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    Chapters 1-4 Essay (1234 words)

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    Test 1 Chapters 1 4 Question 1 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is the primary objective of demarketing’selected Answer: Correct To dampen demand for products, especially those that create unwanted costs for society Response Demarketing is used to dampen demand for products, especially those that Feedback: create unwanted costs for society. This public service message uses the metaphor of a fish hook to convey the dangerous addictive qualities of alcohol. Question 2 Which of the following is a basic function of branding?

    Selected Answer: To identify products and differentiate them from others Correct Answer: Response Feedback: Question 3 The most basic function of branding as well as advertising is to identify products and tnelr source ana to OITTerentlate tnem Trom otners Which of the following significantly contributed and eventually led to the declines in music sales in the recording industry in the postindustrial age’selected Answer: File-sharing technologies Response Digital technology has had a huge impact.

    The recording industry Feedback: experienced declines in music sales as a result of file-sharing technologies. Question 4 Recently, an automobile company manufacturing racing cars and a reputed fashion ouse teamed up to design and market sports blazers. Ten dollars from the sale of each blazer was donated to a cancer foundation. By contributing to the foundation, the automobile company is: behaving in a socially responsible fashion. Response Together, ethics and social responsibility can be seen as the obligation of Feedback: advertisers, to society, even when there is no legal obligation.

    Most advertisers today strive to maintain ethical standards and practice socially responsible advertising. Question 5 O out of 2 points The protects all copyrighted material, including advertising, in the United States. s. Patent o Library of Congress Response The Library of Congress protects all copyrighted material, including Feedback: advertising, in the United States. A copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other “intellectual works. Question 6 refers to doing what society views as best for the welfare of people in general or for a specific community of people. Social responsibility Question 7 Social responsibility means doing what society views as best for the welfare of people n general or for a specific community of people. An ad for a beer company that asks consumers to enjoy beer in moderation and not drink irresponsibly is most likely using demarketing aemarKetlng Demarketing is a type of marketing used to slow the demand for products, especially those that create unwanted costs for society.

    Question 8 A firm’s marketing activities are always aimed at a particular segment of the population called the target market population??”its target market. Question 9 Some advertisers ask for or imply that they want to see what the ad agency will do efore they sign on. In such cases, the ad agencies must create a: Selected Answer: speculative presentation. Response Some advertisers ask for or imply that they want a speculative presentation, Feedback: meaning they want to see what the agency will do before they sign on.

    Questlon 1 is the structured and composed nonpersonal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products by identified sponsors through various media. Advertising Response Advertising is the structured and composed nonpersonal communication f Feedback: information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods, services, and ideas) by identified sponsors through various media. Question 1 1 Which of the following is an example of product differentiation?

    Selected Answer: A manufacturer of cosmetics trying to portray that its brands are not only different from its competitors but also superior in terms of quality and variety A manufacturer of cosmetics trying to portray that its brands are not only different from its competitors but also superior in terms of quality and variety Response By following the strategy of product differentiation, manufacturers seek to Feedback: portray their brands as different from and better than the competition by offering consumers quality, variety, and convenience.

    Question 12 is formed by talented artists who work for advertisers and occasionally A(n) subcontract to advertising agencies. Their mission is to develop exciting creative concepts ana to pr oauce Tresn, Olstlnctlve aavertlslng messages e ec ea Answer: creative boutique Response Some talented artists??”such as graphic designers and copyw???riters??” set up Feedback: their own creative services, or creative boutiques. They work for advertisers and occasionally subcontract to ad agencies. Their mission is to develop exciting creative concepts and produce fresh, distinctive advertising messages.

    Question 13 When the city of Pensacola in Florida uses the slogan, “the best seafront vacation in the Americas” to promote tourism in the area, it is using . Selected Answer: puffery Puffery refers to exaggerated, subjective claims that can’t be proven true or false. Question 14 An ad promoting a company’s mission or philosophy is called nonproduct advertising DacK: 10 sell Question 15 Ideas, organlzatlons use nonproduct aavertlslng As a cost of doing business, advertising is paid for by the retailers consumers consumer.

    Question 16 Some products are publicized using in quality to higher priced brands. price advertising in which an ad claims the product is equal Response Some products are publicized using price advertising, in which an ad claims Feedback: the product is equal in quality to higher priced brands. Other goods and services, which do not attempt to compete on price, emphasize product quality. Question 17 Of all the business functions, s the only one whose primary role is to bring in revenue. marketing Of all the business functions, marketing is the only one whose primary role is to bring in revenue.

    Question 18 As of January 2012, a super market chain operates 142 supermarkets in the metropolitan areas of New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. The chain advertises only in states where it has stores. This form of advertising is known as: Selected regional advertising. Regional advertisers operate in one part of the country and market exclusively within that region. Question 19 – in one or several states – What is the greatest disadvantage associated with in-house ad agencies’selected Loss of objectivity correct Answer: Response Feedback: The biggest problem for in-house agencies is loss of objectivity.

    Question 20 In 2002, a Swedish home electrical appliance manufacturer decided to use the same advertising message wherever it advertised around the world. In other words, the company decided to use global advertising Global marketers may use global advertising, in which messages are consistent in ads placed around the world. Question 21 In the context of advertising, market segmentation is the process of: Selected earching for unique groups of people whose needs could be addressed through more specialized products.

    Response In the context of advertising, market segmentation is the process of Feedback: searching for unique groups of people whose needs could be addressed through more specialized products. Question 22 The FTC defines as any ad that contains a misrepresentation, omission, or other practice that can mislead a significant number of reasonable consumers to their detriment. deceptive advertising Response The FTC defines deceptive advertising as any ad that contains a Feedback: isrepresentation, omission, or other practice that can mislead a significant number of reasonable consumers to their detriment.

    Question 23 A feature that differentiates a coffee-maker from other similar products in the market is its trademark unique selling proposition Response Rosser Reeves of the Ted Bates Agency introduced the idea that every ad Feedback: must point out the product’s USP (unique selling proposition)??”features that differentiate it from competitive products. The USP was a logical extension of the Lasker and Hopkins “reason why’ credo. Question 24

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