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    Is chapter 50 reflective of Oliver Twist? Essay

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    He speaks in short sentences and uses a lot of exclamations, which shows us he’s afraid: “Murder! Help! Down with him! ” It also shows that he’s not in control and increases the tension. There’s a lot of emotional language when Sykes tries to escape. As we read this language, we experience what he is going through, his state of mind. The old language tells us the novel was written a long time ago. The violent language tells us what Sykes was capable of and shocks us as a reader. We feel involved in what is happening. The young boys in Fagin’s gang always use dialect.

    This is the way the people in the poorer part of London spoke. Sykes always uses violent language especially when he’s talking to Fagin and Nancy. This is how he gets what he wants. Nancy uses very emotional language and speaks with feeling. When she talks to Mr. Brownlow she uses desperate language because she knows that she could get caught and is afraid of what Bill will do to her, as she knows that he will harm her. When reading this chapter I think that the reader feels a range of mixed feelings. We feel disgust when we hear of people living in these terrible conditions.

    We are tense when Bill arrives at the house as we don’t know what he will do and we know what he is capable of. We feel relief when the police arrive but are tense when Bill is on the roof. We are afraid when Bill sees Nancy’s ghost and we have mixed feelings when Bill dies. We are appalled when Bill hits Nancy because he shouldn’t harm her just because she upsets him. When Bill kidnaps Oliver we feel panic because Oliver was happy with Mr. Brownlow and, again, we don’t know what Bill will do. When Nancy agrees to meet Mr. Brownlow on the bridge because we know that Bill will catch them.

    We panic when Bill finds out that Nancy spoke to Mr. Brownlow and we know just how dangerous he is. Chapter 50 is like the rest of the novel because the things that have happened in this chapter are the same as the others. We have the same characters and the same place, both described in the same way. We also go through the same emotions as a reader, and the language used in this chapter, can be found in the rest of the novel. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Oliver Twist section.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Is chapter 50 reflective of Oliver Twist? Essay. (2017, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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