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    Chapter 10 Tet Bank (Renaissance Garden)

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    Refer to the excerpt “The Renaissance Garden”. Based on this excerpt, which of the following is most accurate?
    the garden was a pivotal center in numerous aspects of Renaissance society
    He was known as the the “father of humanism”
    Francesco Petrarch
    In the 15th century, Lorenzo Valla proved that the Donation of Constantine was a forgery by
    guessing that Constantine never would have wanted to leave the west to the Church
    How did Valla become a hero to Protestant reformers?
    his defense of predestination against the advocated of free will
    The Treaty of Lodi did all of the following EXCEPT
    include Venice despite the Papal States’ anger
    Ludovico of Milan’s fatal mistake was that he
    appealed to the French for help and invited them to reenter Italy and revive their dnastic claim to Naples
    The Hapsburg-Valois wars were wars fought between France and
    Spain; Spain won all four major battles
    The belief that by cultivating the finest qualities of their beings, human beings could commune with God was a conclusion of
    Which did NOT enable the spread of the Renaissance?
    the Treaty of Lodi
    The Treaty of Lodi,
    signed in the mid-15th century, established a balance of power that helped keep other European powers out of the Italian peninsula, which therefore inhibited rather than enabled the spread of the Renaissance.

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    Chapter 10 Tet Bank (Renaissance Garden). (2017, Sep 05). Retrieved from

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