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    Changing Things for the Better Essay

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    Let’s say my school receives a donation of money, which could be used in many ways to improve the school. Some examples would be: improving the cafeteria, buying computers, taking field trips, or etc, etc. Well if it were totally up to me on this situation, I would vote the money be spent on importing kids from other countries to this school. The reason for the matter is… I don’t like how many white kids there are in this school, heck, I don’t like white kids in general. I mean, of course this is Nebraska, it’s pretty much a state of the hillbillies.

    There may be worse states, but I live in Nebraska, so that’s not my problem. My problem is the white kids in this town, more precisely, the white kids in this generation. This generation totally blows. I haven’t seen a weaker generation of white kids in my life. I swear, the kids in the holocaust would kill to be in the position these white kids are in. There needs to be more colored people in this generation to teach these white kids what the real world is like, then maybe they’d get their poop in a group.

    I can’t go into one of my classes without some white kid talking about how he and his friends got “wasted  the other night at their white friend’s party. This isn’t the movie Grown Ups, this is real life, this is drugs, alcohol, etc, etc. This generation blew over in the worst way possible. I can’t say whether it’s the parents or the kids, but something needs to definitely change. Parents should teach their kids both the good things and bad things in life, so they know what road they want to go down, and the road they want to avoid.

    Well if it were the parents, good job, your kid smokes pot and drinks for a living. That’s why he or she is never home as much as they used to be. Now to the other point. Kids are disobeying their parents, sneaking out of the house at night, or not coming home until, let’s say, 1-2 a. m. If they would teach more discipline to their kids, we wouldn’t be having this problem. Discipline can either keep your kids safe, or the kid could still disobey the discipline and sneak out anyway. The harsher the punishment, the better accomplishment, just saying.

    Put your kids on lock down, keep an eye on them, lock them in a room(not recommended), do something to where you know it is a 100% fact they will not leave whatsoever. I know I may have gotten off topic, but I just really needed to throw all of this out there. Back to the main point. People of other ethnicities, races, or religions, are far different from white kids in this country. It’s not just the kids, but grown up as well. The more stuff kids see, the more they want do it. Grownups are basically encouraging kids to have their lives.

    Asian kids are smart, I may not know the reason, but it looks pretty nice there, no violence, as we see here, in the U. S. Other countries aren’t as hectic as this hell hole we call our “Land of the free, Home of the brave.  More like home of the d – bags. We need kids from other countries teach our little poop squads a lesson or two. I don’t like seeing this school turn in to some druggy school that parents don’t want their kids going to, I want to see people actually enjoy it here.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Changing Things for the Better Essay. (2018, Aug 03). Retrieved from

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