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    Cellular Office Layout Essay (401 words)

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    Office layout For our office we’ve chosen cellular office layout. I think it is have more advantages and less disadvantages than open plan layout. Open plan leaves little room for people to personalize their space. Certainly, proponents of open plan layout believe that teamwork between employees is easier in an open plan, but it has strong disadvantages which can’t be mentioned. The high level of noise causes employees to lose concentration, leading to low productivity, there are privacy issues because everyone can see what you are doing on the computer or hear what you are saying n the phone, and there is a feeling of insecurity.

    On the contrary, cellular offices are based on the understanding that staff has access to private and confidential working space within the organization. These offices are separated by permanent walls and screens off any undesirable noise from other parts of office. You can complete work faster as you are not distracted and this office ergonomically fitted you. Actually, it is more expensive, but we concern about health, mood and private life of our employees, so we have chosen a cellular layout. Our office is situated in the center of Boston, Massachusetts.

    It is located on the 41 and 42 floors of a multistory building. Here is a plan of our office layout. On the first floor of our office we have spacious reception area. There is a conference room on the right from reception. The offices of marketing manager and finance director are in the front of reception. On the opposite side of the elevator is deputy managing director’s office. His office is situated between the office of general manager on the left and the office of managing director on the right. Both general director and managing director have a secretory.

    Their cabinets are next to the offices of their bosses. The offices of accounts manager, HR manager, clients manager, traveling services manager and meeting and events manager are located on the second floor of our office. Toilets are situated there as well. Also we’ve made kitchen and restroom for the staff. So we don’t need to go somewhere to have dinner, we can do it right in the office! And after that we can talk to each other, discuss some news or working ideas or Just live topics in the restroom. As you see, we try to provide all the conditions to make our employees comfortable.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Cellular Office Layout Essay (401 words). (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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