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    Causes of Women’s Suffrage Movement

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    Do you know what it was like in the year 1919 in our country? There were many political and social changes that took place. It was the women’s suffrage movement, where there were a lot of problems with race and gender. For example, women could not vote. African American men and women could not vote either. White or black women couldn’t, it was unacceptable that not every woman and man regardless of race or gender could vote. You need many people to vote for a change instead of just a few for it to represent the ideas of all the people represented. That was just wrong just because of what a person looks like doesn’t mean that they don’t count. Those are some of the things that happened during the 1900’s in our history. Now I’m going to tell you about the pros and the cons of women’s suffrage many years ago. Many of our grandparents and great-grandparents were affected by this.

    There were many good things about the women’s suffrage movement but here are a few of them. Anti-Suffragist was a large conservative movement that fought for women to have equality. The major advantage of women’s suffrage was the right to vote, to give them the idea of women being equal. Then there was a thing called women domestic feminism that women had the right to have freedom inside their house to keep the status for women. Most men have been given their life’s freedoms, right to vote, and some places in the United States had anti-slavery. Another important figure that helped women was Josephine Dodge. In 1911, she helped working women to establish day care centers for their kids. Dodge formed the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. The NAOWS was very popular in mostly northeastern cities. Like pro-suffrage groups, Dodge’s group distributed publications and organized events across these states. Lucy Stone gave white women the right to vote with her speech. Women didn’t have the right to vote at first but that law eventually passed later on. The racial split began shortly before the 15th amendment and then the 19th amendment got passed in 1920. There were many woman suffrage cons but here are some of them. Black and white Women still didn’t have the right to vote. The civil war came around and many people lost their lives, close to a million men, women and children. They didn’t care about women’s rights and if they could vote or not. They didn’t care what your race or religion was. World War 1 came around and many, many more people were killed than in the Civil War. Some people thought that women shouldn’t be allowed the vote because they wouldn’t take part in being able to protect the country during wartime. Just because they all weren’t on the battlefield didn’t mean that they had jobs for our country. Some people didn’t like it and said that women didn’t have the skill or capacity to provide a useful opinion about political issue. Others asserted that any race of women’s votes would simply twice the electorate voting would cost more without adding any new value.

    This is what the Women’s Suffrage Movement was, it lasted from 1848-1920. The Pros were big because they overviewed the major big good things that happen. The cons were just there to support the pros so if wouldn’t just be all the good things about this major event in history. This ended when the formation of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, and the passage of the nineteenth amendment to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote. Those are the pros and cons of the Women’s Suffrage Movement. There are many more but those are mainly what there is for that movement.

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    Causes of Women’s Suffrage Movement. (2022, May 12). Retrieved from

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