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    Case study of two cultures Essay

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    It is hard for her to understand why westerners do not do more to help each other and why when help is offered do we not accept it easily. Alice sees everybody as family and finds it hard to live in areas where there is a low sense of community, Alice has had a hard time integrating with these sorts of societies and says she is much happier living in Bali than Australia because it is similar to her own culture and ethnicity.

    She explains that it is hard to grasp why some times people think they owe something when someone has helped them, she says “that is what you need more of in this culture, people need to understand that at some stage we all need help from someone and we should be able to give without needing to be repaid and we should be able to receive with out having to worry about repaying” (Alice Bebe, personal interview, March 22, 2010). Airini Airini explains that her culture has been greatly affected by her ethnic background.

    Her close friends are predominately from New Zealand or Samoan and all of her friends indulge in their ethnic backgrounds. Although she identifies herself as Australian and loves the Australian culture she says she fits into a sub group which is basically identified by her ethnic background. “I love Australia and the way people are here, but I feel most at home with people that share my cultural knowledge, we like to do things the traditional way and I find that in Australia there is’nt many real Aussie traditions except maybe from throwing a shrimp on the BBQ and having a beer or two.

    I feel that my traditions give me a feeling of richness in knowing who I am. I dont think any less of people that dont follow my traditions, if anything I feel sorry for some people that I think just get a bit lost because they have no solid base of who they are”(Airini Manaia, personal interview, March 22, 2010). How Culture Impacts on their Interaction with Others Often in society peoples culture and ethnic backgrounds Within this essay a case study has been provided examining the similarities and differences between two cultural backgrounds.

    A analysis on perspectives of culture has been provided. An examination of what these perspectives mean for an individual in a different society has been performed, also the essay looks at how societies can and do, deal with cultural diversity. This information was sourced from two interviewees. Background information has been provided on each interviewee and their perspective on culture was explained. A description of how culture has impacted on the life experiences and belief systems of each interviewee was explored.

    The way culture impact’s on each interviewees interactions with others will be described. Some suggestions regarding minimising the impact of cultural divides were supplied. Finally a discussion comparing the cultural experience and similarities and differences between the two interviews have been provided. Throughout the essay relevant references were provided to link ideas to theory and strengthen arguments.

    References Bolstead, R. & Hamblett, M. (2001). Transiting Communication. NZ: PearsonEducation John, O. & Pervin, L. A. (2001). Personality: theory and research (8th ed). New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc. Kosslyn, S. & Rosenberg, R. (2001). Psychology: the brain, the person and the world. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc. Matsumoto, D. , & Juang, L. , (2008). Culture and psychology (4th ed. ). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Van Kreiken, Smith, Habibis, McDonald, Haralambous & Holbourn, (2000) Sociology themes and perspectives (2nd Ed), NSW, Pearson Education.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Case study of two cultures Essay. (2017, Dec 29). Retrieved from

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