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    Caliban – The Tempest Essay (319 words)

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    Mowats essay emphasizes Calibans significant role in The Tempest, by William Shakespeare. Calibans character, in relation to Prosperos, expresses the actual relations between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries of settlers and natives, Caliban being the native of the island, and Prospero, the settler. Miranda and Prospero introduce Caliban to the reader as a villain, slave and even a tortoise.. Caliban and his mother, Sycorax, a witch, were the only inhabitants of the island.

    After Sycoraxs death, Prospero with Miranda settled on the island and enslaved Caliban. Caliban offered them the knowledge of the island and in return, they taught him language. Caliban is described as a monster, thing of darkness and a freckled whelp.. He is intended to represent the savage of the island by his appearance and language. Caliban extremely resents Prosperos actions, as he says, and here you sty me In this hard rock, whiles you do keep from me The rest o th island..

    Caliban shows remorse towards Prospero as Prospero tries to explain his gift of language. In return, Caliban says, The red plague rid you For learning me your language! In translation, Caliban wishes the plague destroyed Prospero for offering Caliban anything of his. The issue of colonization is a very offensive and corrupt situation. The act of intruding and conquering an inhabited area can lead to a very complex outcome. Such actions have taken place in past colonization, such as the Americas, Africa and India.

    The Tempest is a novel that portrays these occurrences. William Shakespeare uses two individuals whom encounter a problematic condition. Caliban, the native and Prospero, the settler, both face disagreeable circumstances that lead to the climax of colonization. Shakespeare uses Caliban as a rugged appearance but is actually poetic, friendly and gullible. Calibans personality contradicts his appearance and therefore, symbolizes the hidden warped appearance of Prospero. Prosperos act of colonizing the island is selfish and unjust considering Calibans situation.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Caliban – The Tempest Essay (319 words). (2018, Apr 22). Retrieved from

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