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    Business in Computers Essay (551 words)

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    Business in ComputersI understand that some students that have already graduated from Collegeare having a bit of trouble getting their new businesses started. I know of atool that will be extremely helpful and is already available to them; theInternet.

    Up until a few years ago, when a student graduated they were basicallythrown out into the real world with just their education and their wits. Mostof the time this wasn’t good enough because after three or four years of college,the perspective entrepreneur either forgot too much of what they were supposedto learn, or they just didn’t have the finances. Then by the time they savesufficient money, they again had forgotten too much. I believe I have found theanswer. On the Internet your students will be able to find literally thousandsof links to help them with their future enterprises. In almost every city allacross North America, no matter where these students move to, they are able tolink up and find everything they need.

    They can find links like “CreativeIdeas”, a place they can go and retrieve ideas, innovations, inventions, patentsand licensing. Once they come up with their own products, they can find freeexpert advice on how to market their products. There are easily accessiblelinks to experts, analysts, consultants and business leaders to guide their wayto starting up their own business, careers and lives. These experts can helppush the beginners in the right direction in every field of business, includingevery way to generate start up revenue from better management of personalfinances to diving into the stock market. When the beginner has sufficientfunds to actually open their own company, they can’t just expect the customersto come to them, they have to go out and attract them. This is where the Internet becomes most useful, in advertising.

    On theInternet, in every major consumer area in the world, there are dozens of ways toadvertise. The easiest and cheapest way, is to join groups such as”Entrepreneur Weekly”. These groups offer weekly newsletters sent all over theworld to major and minor businesses informing them about new companies on themarket. It includes everything about your business from what you make/sell andwhere to find you, to what your worth. These groups also advertise to thegeneral public. The major portion of the advertising is done over the Internet,but this is good because that is their target market.

    By now, hopefully theirbusiness is doing well, sales are up and money is flowing in. How do they keeptrack of all their funds without paying for an expensive accountant? Back tothe Internet. They can find lots of expert advice on where they should reinvesttheir money. Including how many and how qualified of staff to hire, whattechnical equipment to buy and even what insurance to purchase. This is where alot of companies get into trouble, during expansion.

    Too many entrepreneurs tryto leap right into the highly competitive mid-size company world. On theInternet, experts give their secrets on how to let their companies naturalgrowth force its way in. This way they are more financially stable for therough road ahead. The Internet isn’t always going to give you the answers youare looking for, but it will always lead you in the right direction.

    That iswhy I hope you will accept my proposal and make aware the students of today ofthis invaluable business tool. Technology

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Business in Computers Essay (551 words). (2019, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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