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    Business Ethics – A Multuifaceted Field Essay

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    Business Ethics Essay is a multifaceted field that cannot be defined with a single definition. This area addresses numerous issues, problems, and dilemmas within the management of businesses. It does this through numerous perspectives and methods. Of course, in order to present the complexities of business ethics, we must explore the types of issues that business professionals are confronted with all the time.

    Business ethics not only portray to humans, but also to how businesses treat the environment. My father stated to me that the enterprise in which he is engaged in, and the products or services that they market, should serve an inherently ethical purpose and that a companies primary ethical responsibilities are defined by the nature of their objectives and also of the relations when formulating their company’s ethical standards. This usually requires statements of corporate responsibilities. Most of the codes describe the company’s commitment toward certain groups rather than prescribing ethical conduct for specific situations. His responsibility is not only to our stockholders, but also to our clients, the other employees and their families, our local community residents, and all of society at large. Our profit comes about through our effort to promote the prosperity of the community as a whole.

    Does your company take advantage of clients, due to the fact that they have money?In some ways they do for the fact that we will quote a price to have the complete seal designed and manufactured to a client. The actual cost and materials it takes to make the seals is a lot less than they are charging. I mean that one rubber mold can make two seals and yet we charge them for one seal and then use the excess to make more seals for other clients, making it no cost to us. They know they are still getting the best price, but the more I look at it, the way we do things makes it more expensive for me and you to purchase a car. Are your major stockholders informed of major problems in the company?In the past there has been times where we have not informed out stockholders and let the problem blow over as to not cause a rapid sell of the company stock.

    If the problem would of continued many people could of risked losing a fortune, so in fact that was unethical, I myself was worried for my company stock investments. By keeping you stockholders and employees in the dark you could run the risk of problems like Enron is having. Does ?’stay on top of handling customer service or does it put issues aside like other companies?This is one item I can say is always handled professionally. The Japanese are very strict when it comes to keeping the customer happy and will do almost anything to keep the return business. There are a few companies that do the same services we do. They are constantly trying to get more business because of their ethics and the way they treat their clients.

    When a client is not big enough, Im saying that they do $2 million a year in business compared to the big three that do $100 million a year. A customer is a customer and purposely sabotaging their efforts to get them out of the way for bigger clients in wrong. But as I have seen in from past experience, twenty loyal small clients are always better that one big client you will leave for a price difference of $0. 05. There are many differences of opinion in the role that ethics ought to play at evaluating policies and practices. This is because every person within a corporation may be held toward a different set of ethics depending upon the position that they hold and not all have the same feelings about the ethical standards that one individual may have even though they all know what position that he holds and what his job is.

    This can lead to potential conflicts between corporate ethics programs and management roles. As businessmen, we are constantly told that we should not cheat, steal, lie, bribe, or accept bribes. Men and women do not gain exemption from these rules just because of their jobs or positions within .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Business Ethics – A Multuifaceted Field Essay. (2019, Mar 06). Retrieved from

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