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    Burj Khalifa — The World’s Tallest Tower Sample Essay

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    Burj Khalifa lifts the world’s caput proudly skywards. exceling bounds and outlooks.

    Rising gracefully from the desert and honoring Dubai with a new freshness. Burj Khalifa is at the bosom of Dubai and its people ; the Centre for the world’s finest shopping. dining and amusement and place for the world’s elite. Burj Khalifa’s Grand VisionWorld’s tallest edifice.

    A life admiration. Stuning work of art. Incomparable effort of technology. Burj Khalifa is all that.

    In construct and executing. Burj Khalifa has no equal. More than merely the world’s tallest edifice. Burj Khalifa is an unprecedented illustration of international cooperation. symbolic beacon of advancement.

    and an emblem of the new. dynamic and comfortable Middle East. It is besides touchable cogent evidence of Dubai’s turning function in a changing universe. In fewer than 30 old ages.

    this metropolis has transformed itself from a regional Centre to a planetary 1. This success was non based on oil militias. but on militias of human endowment. inventiveness and enterprise. Burj Khalifa embodies that vision.

    Mr Mohamed Alabbar. Chairman. Emaar Properties. said: “Burj Khalifa goes beyond its enforcing physical specifications. In Burj Khalifa. we see the victory of Dubai’s vision of achieving the apparently impossible and puting new benchmarks.

    It is a beginning of inspiration for every one of us in Emaar. The undertaking is a declaration of the emirate’s capablenesss and of the resoluteness of its leaders and people to work manus in manus on truly amazing undertakings. Emaar had but one inspiration. the indefatigable enthusiasm set in gesture by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

    Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. who inspires us to make for the stars. Constructing a Global IconExcavation work began for Burj Khalifa in January 2004 and over the resulting old ages to its completion. the edifice passed many of import mileposts on its end to go the tallest semisynthetic construction the universe has of all time seen. In merely 1. 325 yearss since digging work started in January.

    2004. Burj Khalifa became the tallest free-standing construction in the universe. Burj Khalifa Construction TimelineJanuary 2004| Excavation started|February 2004 | Piling started|March 2005| Superstructure started|June 2006 | Level 50 reached|January 2007| Level 100 reached|March 2007| Level 110 reached|April 2007| Level 120 reached|May 2007| Level 130 reached|July 2007| Level 141 reached – world’s tallest building|September 2007| Level 150 reached – world’s tallest free-standing structure|April 2008| Level 160 reached – world’s tallest semisynthetic structure|January 2009| Completion of steeple – Burj Khalifa tops out|September 2009| Exterior cladding completed|

    January 2010| Official launch ceremony|Construction HighlightsOver 45. 000 M3 ( 58.

    900 cu yd ) of concrete. weighing more than 110. 000 metric tons were used to build the concrete and steel foundation. which features 192 hemorrhoids buried more than 50 m ( 164 foot ) deep. Burj Khalifa’s building will hold used 330.

    000 M3 ( 431. 600 cu yd ) of concrete and 39. 000 metric tons ( 43. 000 ST ; 38. 000 LT ) of steel rebar. and building will hold taken 22 million man-hours.

    Exterior facing of Burj Khalifa began in May 2007 and was completed in September 2009. The huge undertaking involved more than 380 skilled applied scientists and on-site technicians. At the initial phase of installing. the squad progressed at the rate of about 20 to 30 panels per twenty-four hours and finally achieved every bit many as 175 panels per twenty-four hours.

    The tower accomplished a universe record for the highest installing of an aluminum and glass facade. at a tallness of 512 meters.

    The entire weight of aluminum used on Burj Khalifa is tantamount to that of five A380 aircraft and the entire length of chromium steel steel bull nose fives is 293 times the tallness of Eiffel Tower in Paris. In November. 2007. the highest strengthened concrete corewalls were pumped utilizing 80 MPa concrete from land degree ; a perpendicular tallness of 601 meters. Smashing the old pumping record on a edifice of 470m on the Taipei 101 ; the world’s 2nd tallest tower and the old universe record for perpendicular pumping of 532 meters for an extension to the Riva del Garda Hydroelectric Power Plant in 1994.

    The concrete force per unit area during pumping to this degree was about 200 bars. The sum of rebar used for the tower is 31. 400 metric dozenss – set terminal to stop this would widen over a one-fourth of the manner around the universe. Structural Elementss — Elevators. Spire.

    and MoreIt is an understatement to state that Burj Khalifa represents the state-of-the-art in edifice design. From initial construct through completion. a combination of several of import technological inventions and innovation structural design methods have resulted in a superstructure that is both efficient and robust. * Foundation* Dais* Exterior Cladding* Steeple* Mechanical Floors* Broadcast Floors* Mechanical.

    Electrical & A ; Plumbing

    FoundationThe superstructure is supported by a big strengthened concrete mat. which is in bend supported by world-weary reinforced concrete hemorrhoids. The design was based on extended geotechnical and seismal surveies. The mat is 3. 7 metres thick.

    and was constructed in four separate pours numbering 12. 500 three-dimensional metres of concrete. The 1. 5 metre diameter x 43 metre long hemorrhoids represent the largest and longest hemorrhoids conventionally available in the part. A high denseness.

    low permeableness concrete was used in the foundations. every bit good as a cathodic protection system under the mat. to minimise any damaging effects form caustic chemicals in local land H2O. Dais
    The dais provides a base grounding the tower to the land. leting on grade entree from three different sides to three different degrees of the edifice. Fully glazed entry marquees constructed with a suspended cable-net construction provide separate entries for the Corporate Suites at B1 and Concourse Levels.

    the Burj Khalifa abodes at Ground Level and the Armani Hotel at Level 1. Exterior CladdingThe exterior facing is comprised of brooding glazing with aluminium and textured chromium steel steel spandril panels and unstained steel perpendicular tubular fives. Close to 26. 000 glass panels.

    each separately hand-cut. were used in the exterior facing of Burj Khalifa. Over 300 cladding specializers from China were brought in for the facing work on the tower. The facing system is designed to defy Dubai’s utmost summer heat. and to farther guarantee its unity.

    a World War II aeroplane engine was used for dynamic air current and H2O testing. The drape wall of Burj Khalifa is tantamount to 17 football ( association football ) Fieldss or 25 American football Fieldss. SteepleThe coronating touch of Burj Khalifa is its telescopic steeple comprised of more than 4. 000 dozenss of structural steel.

    The steeple was constructed from inside the edifice and jacked to its full tallness of over 200 meters ( 700 pess ) utilizing a hydraulic pump. In add-on to procuring Burj Khalifa’s topographic point as the world’s tallest construction. the steeple is built-in to the overall design. making a sense of completion for the landmark. The steeple besides houses communications equipment. Mechanical FloorsSeven double-storey height mechanical floors house the equipment that conveying Burj Khalifa to life.

    Distributed around every 30 floors. the mechanical floors house the electrical sub-stations. H2O armored combat vehicles and pumps. air-handling units etc. that are indispensable for the operation of the tower and the comfort of its residents.

    Broadcast and Communications FloorsThe top four floors have been reserved for communications and broadcast medium. These floors occupy the degrees merely below the steeple. Mechanical. Electrical & A ; Plumbing
    To accomplish the greatest efficiencies. the mechanical.

    electrical and plumbing services for Burj Khalifa were developed in coordination during the design stage with cooperation of the designer. structural applied scientist and other advisers. * The tower’s H2O system supplies an norm of 946. 000 liters ( 250.

    000 gallons ) of H2O day-to-day * At extremum chilling. Burj Khalifa will necessitate about 10. 000 dozenss of chilling. equal to the chilling capacity provided by about 10.

    000 dozenss of runing ice * Dubai’s hot. humid clime combined with the building’s chilling demands creates a important sum of condensation. This H2O is collected and drained in a separate piping system to a keeping armored combat vehicle in the cellar auto park * The condensate aggregation system provides about 15 million gallons of supplement H2O per twelvemonth. equal to about 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools * The tower’s peak electrical demand is 36mW. equal to approximately 360.

    000 100 Watt bulbs runing at the same time Fire SafetyFire safety and velocity of emptying were premier factors in the design of Burj Khalifa. Concrete surrounds all stairwells and the edifice service and fireman’s lift will hold a capacity of 5. 500 kilogram and will be the world’s tallest service lift. Since people can’t moderately be expected to walk down 160 floors. there are pressurized. air-conditioned refuge countries located about every 25 floors.

    Elevators & A ; LiftsBurj Khalifa will be home to 57 lifts and 8 escalators The edifice service/fireman’s lift will hold a capacity of 5. 500 kilogram and will be the world’s tallest service lift. Burj Khalifa will be the first mega-high rise in which certain lifts will be programmed to allow controlled emptying for certain fire or security events. Burj Khalifa’s Observatory lifts are dual deck cabs with a capacity for 12-14 people per cab. Traveling at 10 meters per second.

    they will hold the world’s longest travel distance from lowest to highest halt The ParkInspired by Burj Khalifa’s alone triple-lobed form. The Park’s 11 hectares of verdure and H2O characteristics serve as both entry to Burj Khalifa and out-of-door life infinite. The landscape design includes three distinguishable countries to function each of the tower’s three utilizations: hotel. residential and office infinite.

    These keen evidences include a promenade along the Dubai lake. out-of-door infinites. out-of-door dining. bow sentinel.

    leisure forest grove. playing country. H2O characteristics and much more. The three infinites are located at the hotel entry. residential entry and the expansive patio. The tower and prosaic tracts link the three countries.

    Spectacular rock paving forms welcome visitants at each entry. The chief entry thrust is circled with a palm tribunal. H2O characteristics. out-of-door infinites and a forest grove above.

    The expansive patio characteristics garden infinites. all-round prosaic circulation. usage site trappingss. a functional island and a lake border promenade. The expansive H2O patio is composed of several degrees that step down towards the lake’s border.

    The H2O patios provide farther ocular involvement by reflecting the tower on their surfaces. The landscape design includes six major H2O characteristics: the chief entry fountain. hotel entry fountain. residential entry fountain. the expansive H2O patio.

    children’s fountain pool and the sculptural fountain. Green IrrigationThe gardens are partially irrigated with H2O collected through Burj Khalifa’s Condensate Collection System. Hot and humid Dubai outside air. combined with the tower’s chilling demands result in a important sum of condensation of wet from the air.

    This H2O. stored in the cellar auto park. provides about 15 million gallons of auxiliary H2O per twelvemonth. the equivalent to about 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

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    Burj Khalifa — The World’s Tallest Tower Sample Essay. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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