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    Bullying Essay

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    A bullying essay is a common academic paper in schools which requires you to highlight unfairness, humiliation and discriminating treatment to the peanut gallery by an individual or a group of people. These are some of the most prevalent occurrences in schools. When writing an essay about how to stop bullying, your content and side of the campaign will be similar to that which you would use when asked to write a bullying argumentative essay.

    Being among the sensitive topics, you need to have a concerned and serious attitude when outlining facts and personal perspectives in the paper.  There are many ideas for a bullying essay, schools & social media harassment to the peanut gallery and bullying through messages. If you are writing about how to stop bullying among college students, you need a dedicated approach, and you can achieve this by keeping a clear strategy concerning the way you structure your work and campaign against it.

    Write an Outline

    An outline is an effective technique that helps save your time and ensures that your writing is well organized. Make a comprehensive abstract plan to help you organize your ideas for a bullying essay and to make sure you don’t miss the key points. An outline helps you know the strong ideas and titles for your bullying paper.

    Steps to Follow When Developing the Introduction of Your Essay Interesting

    If you are having trouble getting the right ideas or titles on how you can come up with an impressive introduction of your bully beatdown assignment, check these recommendations that will surely attract the attention of your readers.

    • Develop an abstract highlighting the summary and the major point of the paper
    • Begin by explaining what bullying is and let the reader have a clear picture of why the topic is relevant and why they need to campaign on how to stop bullying issue.
    • Highlight the problem by introducing the complications that come with it. The appropriate way to do this is by providing reliable data. This is because it is prevalent with many victims mostly to the peanut gallery and it will be easier to find statistics.

    Thesis Statement

    Write a striking thesis statement. In order to come up with a powerful thesis statement explaining your side of the campaign, here are four steps you need to follow to make sure you don’t drift from the main point in your bullying essay.

    • It should be focused. If you come up with a statement that is too general it will be difficult or even impossible to defend it. Also, you need to make it clear enough such that your readers get your campaign point right away and your propositions on how to stop bullying.
    • It should be arguable. This means that it should have different sides of arguments. Although you will set up your particular side of the defense, there should be another side of the discussion that can be up for debate in your bullying essay.
    • Pick your side. You need to have a clear statement which will express your point of view on one specific campaign side of the arguments that you will stand on
    • Finally, your thesis needs to choose a claim which you will support all through your essay

    Examples of a Thesis Statement;

    • Bullying is a problem to teachers; parents, administrators, and the peanut gallery since it affect the society at large
    • Bullying is a merging issue with many victims, and it is affecting many students commonly the peanut gallery in schools once they are away from the protection of their parents.
    • Bullying not only affects the victim physically but also their emotional life.

    Writing the Body

    In this part, make your bullying essay engaging by including some few real-time experiences from the victim using 3-4 paragraphs. Relate how some parts of their lives were influenced or affected because of shame, misery, sadness, unhappiness being ridiculed. Use examples of how most of their interaction, happiness, quotient, personal growth, activities participation, enthusiasm, studies, and other activities affected most of the involved victim.

    Don’t use Harsh Words

    Since you are writing an essay to evoke and express some feeling to the audience, restrain yourself from condemning or judging the bullies as people who are evil, wicked or attention getters who want to take advantage of the peanut gallery. Remember bullies may come across your piece and may impact their behavior for the better. Let your motive and campaign behind your assignment expand toward effects of victimization in both short and long-term and include some measures to stop bullying. Also, emphasize the way it can be tackled and suggest an effective campaign that can be used to stop bullying or lessen bully beatdown in schools.

    Mention the Bullies

    Still, in the body part, you will need to include a passage and campaign about the bullies’ motives, and the reason why they do it. Mentions various reasons such as emotional pleasures, attention getter, lack of confidence, and feeling of conquest, power, and control they get once they do it. As you conclude on this part, you can leave a question directed to them enquiring how they benefit by killing the joy of their fellow schoolmate especially those from the peanut gallery and also suggest some ways on how to stop bullying.

    Empathize and Propose some Actions

    Remember that when writing on such topics, someone somewhere is suffering. Thus, let your language be empathetic such that the victim and the affected ones won’t feel alone or disoriented. Give some suggestions of diminishing bully beatdown how it can be tackled such as getting counseling, starting harassment campaign, having direct communication with their bullies, connecting and sharing experiences with another victim, finding humor; getting stronger, etc.


    Some students have the notion that on the conclusion part of bullying argumentative essay; they will only need to highlight a summary of what they have already discussed which is a misconception. You need to explain to the audience why it was worth spent their time reading your paper. Make them understand what makes your exploration campaign valuable and how we can stop bullying.

    Moreover, you will have to give out your suggestions and campaign ideas concerning the measures or helpful campaign which can be undertaken to end bully beatdown and to stop bullying and save the victim. The concluding paragraph of your essay is the reflection of all you have written which can sound like the final verdict. Keep in mind that the audience will concentrate most on your last lines and your suggestion campaign on reducing bully beatdown to save the victim mainly those from the peanut gallery more than they do on the rest of your paper. Thus, make it clear and concise. Recapitulate the main points and also provide your point of view and give suggestion on how to bring down bully beatdown and stop bullying. Just remember not to add any new information in this part. Proofread and edit your work prior to submission. 

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Bullying Essay. (2018, Nov 22). Retrieved from

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