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    A Discussion on the Issue of Bullying in Schools

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    Bullying has become a serious issue in schools since the beginning of Lime. Bullying is an act where a person is a target or taunted, laughed at or teased; it can be verbal or physical. A lot of children in schools today are victims of bullying, which can have long-lasting effects in their lives. It is an epidemic that should stop because no child should go through being rejected by their peers. Bullying has changed the lives in many children, causing self-esteem issues that could haunt them to older age. Bullying happens to certain children, occur in specific places; but there are also ways to prevent bullying and to show awareness to the world There are certain children that tend to get bullied. There are studies that indicate that boys and girls are usually a target of bullying if they are anxious or rejected by their peers, or low on the social ladder. Boys and girls who do not fit in are targets of bullying Kids who are bullied tend to cry often even before they become a target; they do not have the self-confidence in themselves to stand up to their bullies.

    “There’s also evidence that children who experience depression and bodily symptoms of stress (such as headaches or stomachaches) may be more likely to be bullied” (Fraser), and not only do the kids who already suffer from depression or self-esteem issues, those issues will worsen from them already being bullied It will only get worse for the kids, which is sad. Being different will also be a trigger to cause kids to bully another kidi Kids with special needs might become a target of bullying since they are different. Bullying can happen to anyone, but these are the common reasons why someone might be bullied. Bullying can take place anywhere, but there are common areas where it usually occurs, Researchers looked at areas in a middle school: school dances, lunchrooms and the hallway.

    Those places are common places for a middle-school student to be at, but they found out that the lunchroom was a common area for bullies to reach their victims. School dances were not even close since the victims who are bullied do not tend to associate themselves in areas where they could easily be targeted and/or hurt. And bullying does usually happen in areas where adults are not supervising the kids, Kids will find it easier to bully another kid if there is no one watching them hurt another child. The Elementary school years are the most common times for bullying to occur, but it also happens during the earlier teen years. Online is another place where bullying can occurl Technology is a lot more common in the 20‘“ century and bullies will find it easier to harass another person online, without having someone watching them. It can happen at any place, in all actualityl.

    There are ways to stop bullying and to prevent it from happening to future victimsl Bring awareness to bullying is very importantl There are now websites that focus their attention on ways to stop bullying Parents who have shy kids need to help connect their child to another child, just to help their child make friends. Kids who have friends will become more confident over time. It will help prevent bullying in the future. It is always best to intervene at an early age; the sooner, the better. And being respectful to everyone is going to go a long way; plus, standing up for a victim of bullying will also be beneficial. Telling an adult about the situation that is happening is also important. There are a lot of ways to help prevent bullying or just by bringing awareness to the topic.

    Bullying has victimized a specific group of children or just anyone who could easily become a target there are places where it can happen most often, but then there are solutions to this growing problem. Children and teens are mostly the victims of bullying and it has caused them to become unconfident. Bullying should not happen to anyone, It can cause them great harm in their futures. There are ways to prevent bullying. A great way for anyone to prevent bullying is by bringing awareness and attention to the topic. Becoming knowledgeable about bullying will help people to become more understanding about people around them everyone deserves a happy life where bullying does not occur.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Discussion on the Issue of Bullying in Schools. (2023, Mar 16). Retrieved from

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