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    Boeing: How Low Can They Fly? Sample Essay

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    1. Identify the stakeholders in this instance

    A. The stockholders because they invested their money into the production of the Boeing’s Company. B. The employees were following because there were some layoffs and cut dorsums.

    The Chief Financial Officer of Boeing ( Michael Sears ) and the functionary in charge of Air Force contract acquisitions ( Darleen Druyun ) pled guilty to helping and abetting Acts of the Apostless impacting fiscal involvement and Acts of the Apostless impacting fiscal involvement severally. Sears offered Druyun a high-ranking place within Boeing. At the clip of this exchange. Druyun was supervising contract dialogues between the Air Force and Boeing sing the alteration of the Boeing aircraft for military usage.

    During the employment dialogues ( including wage. compensation. and fillip ) the two besides discussed presenting the alteration contract to Boeing. Upon Druyun’s retirement from the Air Force. she accepted a high-ranking place within Boeing ; When inquiries arose about the connexion between Druyun’s presenting the contract to Boeing and her having a place with them post-retirement. Sears failed to unwrap that he had met with Druyun while she was still an employee with Boeing in charge of contract acquisitions. Sears later pled guilty to a individual count of the aiding and abetting charge ; his sentence is pending.

    2. What is the procurement unity act? What are the ethical deductions of the act? What is the relevancy of this instance?

    The Procurement Integrity Act prohibits the release of beginning choice and contractor command or proposal information. Besides. a former employee who served in certain places on a procurement action or contract in surplus of $ 10 million is barred for one twelvemonth from having compensation as an employee or adviser from that contractor. What are the ethical deductions of the act? The ethical deductions on the act are that the post-employment limitations on having compensation are in add-on to the post-employment limitations. What is its relevancy in this instance? The relevancy in this instance is because of the employees go forthing and has held certain places in the company on the procurance action contract must stay by the Leaving Government Policy.

    3. The cover-up of an unethical actions ever seems worse than the offense. Make you hold or differ?

    I agree. I agree because when one covers-up an unethical action shows what sort of character one has built for them. it besides shows what type of individual you are or have become. And that causes others to desire to oppugn your every move. Unethical behaviour is like holding bad behavior and it can destruct you or possibly even the company you work for.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Boeing: How Low Can They Fly? Sample Essay. (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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