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    Babylon: The Great Whore

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    BABYLON THE GREAT IS FALLENIn Revelation chapters 17 and 18 we read about the great whore named Babylonwho sits on many waters and is the mother of all harlots. The imagery in which theapostle John uses to describe Babylon has very significant meaning, in particularfor the church as she approaches the end of the age. It is of paramount importanceto understand who this Babylon is and how she affects the life of every believer. Throughout the ages there have been many attempts to identify Babylon. Mosthave agreed that she is the Roman Catholic Church (in particular the Vatican),even to the point of identifying the Pope as the anti-Christ himself. Others havesuggested that Babylon is not a religious structure but more likely political,pointing to the EEC (the common European market), or to the United States (inparticular New York with Wall Street).

    Further more, others have gone as far as tosuggest that Babylon is geographical, pointing to modern day Iraq from where thatformer great civilisation originated, and suggesting that one day that civilisationwill rise again to become a modern superpower. While it is true that one may find levels of Babylon in all these things, however,none of these things in themselves can fully make up Babylon. In other words,Babylon may, and does exist in these things, but no one can point to any one ofthese things and say, “This is Babylon”. The reality is, that all these (ie. theEuropean Union, United States with its “big business”, the Vatican, and otherpolitical and religious institutions) are made up of people, and it is IN THEHEARTS of people you will find Babylon.

    These entities have been allowed by Godto visibly show us Babylon and point to something of the nature of fallen man. “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who canknow it? (Jer 17:9). The origins of Babylon, as far as mankind is concerned, dates right back to thegarden of Eden when Adam and Eve were given a choice as to whether they wouldfollow the Lord through a life of obedience and faith, or try to become as Godthrough their own striving. From the beginning, God’s intention was that manwould manifest the image of God and grow into full maturity through obedienceto the will of the Lord. As we know, Adam and Eve chose to disobey and eat fromthe tree of knowledge of good and evil.

    From that time on, man has an inherentnature which attempts to attain to the image of God in his own strength. The so-called “non-religious” use natural strength to become “gods” of this world. They build lives for themselves without the reality of the Creator. In their owndelusions they believe that they themselves are “creators”. They are in charge oftheir own destinies.

    They set up moral and ethical standards of life which cannotbe violated because of “personal rights”, while at the same time enforcing thoserights on the wider community and insisting that everyone “submit” to thosestandards. They even go so far as to take it upon themselves to not only decidewhen to give life, but when and how to take it also. THEY HAVE BECOME”GODS” WHILE AT THE SAME TIME COMPLETELY DISREGARDING THE ONEAND ONLY TRUE GOD!Likewise, many “religious/spiritual ones” combine spiritual laws to natural onesbut with one difference – they become “gods” not only of this world, but also thenext. They actually “de-throne” God by living independently of the one trueCreator. Their decisions of what is right and wrong is quite often based on whatbenefits them and not on the “absolutes” of God. On the surface there is anappearance of piety, but underneath quite often lies the hidden enemy of prideexpressing itself through man’s unsanctified intellect and emotions.

    This is the”Babylon nature” in man. It is this same nature resident in fallen man that makes man self-centred. Man willtend to live His life and make his decisions based on how it will benefit him. Evenwhat appears to be the most sacrificial and compassionate acts can have traces ofselfishness in them. Even the church exhibit the characteristics of this nature -from those with carnal lusts, to those who zealously attempt to build God’skingdom with their own strength.

    This is Babylon in the church. We all have doneit. But praise be to God, He understands and is not willing to condemn us, butrather encourage us to see our hearts in order that we may turn to Him who is theauthor and finisher of our faith (see Hebrews 12:2). Babylon finds her expression through man as man attempts to unite the naturaland spiritual world using both natural and often spiritual principles inindependence from God. The culmination of Babylon throughout the ages findsher full expression in Revelation chapters 17 and 18. This is where God passes finaljudgement on man’s religion plus world commerce and trade.

    Of more concern tous is how Babylon has her affect on the church as she drives believers to use thisworld’s ways to build God’s kingdom. As we read through Scripture, we see the progression of Babylon with the firstmain sign being found in Genesis 11:1-9. Verse 4 reads as follows:4 And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top isin the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroadover the face of the whole earth. “Man’s attempt to build a city is very significant in that it has always been God’sintention to build a city for man. We find the apostle Paul saying of Abrahamthat “.

    . . he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and makeris God. ” (Hebrews 11:10). But here in the plain of Shinar we find man trying tobuild a city for himself in an attempt of self-preservation.

    Cain, after he was exiledfor murdering his brother, “. . . . . .

    . went out from the presence of theLORD. . .

    . . . . .

    and built a city. . . . . .

    . “(see Gen 4:16-17). Adam’s fall created many vacuums in the make-up of man. Man’s entire being(spirit, soul, and body) began to experience the void left when the life of Goddiminished and departed from him. Companionship and security, which was meantto be fulfilled by the Creator, was lacking which pushed man to seek this withothers instead of God.

    The building of this city in Babylon, as well as Cain’sintention of building a city, was an attempt to fill the vacuum in man’s body andsoul. Cities are the centre of business and commerce where every one of man’sphysical and material needs could be met, thus satisfying the void in man’s body. Cities are also the centres of pleasure and culture where all the hungers of the soulcan be satisfied. The tower in Babylon is man’s attempt to satisfy the void in his spirit. The towerwas to reach the heavens. It was to reach the dwelling place of God.

    However goodthe outward appearance, the motives and method here are obviously one ofselfishness and self-preservation. Many times we may say, “Let’s build for God’sname”, but the Spirit of God knows the thoughts and intents of man’s heart. Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless theLORD guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain. (Psalm 127:1)The fact remains that this was a religious tower to build a name for man and notfor God, and through this tower man was trying to fill the spiritual void createdwhen God’s Spirit left Adam leaving him with the realisation that he was naked. The city God intended was to be a spiritual one in the hearts of men, with menthemselves being the building materials with which God builds. Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen byGod and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritualhouse, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to Godthrough Jesus Christ.

    (1 Peter 2:4-5)There are vast differences between the city of God (the New Jerusalem) and thecity Nimrod built on the plains of Shinar. Firstly we note that the New Jerusalemis built by God Himself, and although it is true to say that this city (being built inthe hearts of men) will be one that glorifies its Builder and Maker, the motive forGod to build this city has always been one of love. That is to say, God’s intentionin building the New Jerusalem is for the benefit of those who will be part of theNew Jerusalem. What can man give to God that God doesn’t already have? Canman give Him love? God IS love (see 1 John 4:8). Can man give him a body offlesh in which to express Himself? The Lord Jesus Christ still has a body of flesh(see Luke 24:39).

    Is God in need of companionship or worship? He has aninnumerable number of angels worshipping, adoring, and obeying Him non-stop. No! God’s intention has ALWAYS been one of GIVING! He is the great shepherd(see psalm 23:1) and He gives His life for His sheep (see John 10:11). Nimrod, on the other hand, is known as a mighty hunter. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; therefore it is said, “Like Nimrodthe mighty hunter before the LORD. ” And the beginning of his kingdom wasBabel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. (Genesis 10:9-10)As opposed to our Shepherd Lord, a hunter is one who will kill in order to gratifyhimself.

    For the purpose of provision, preservation, or pleasure, a hunter will nothesitate to take life. The Shepherd will not only provide for His sheep, He will alsogive His own life for their sakes, even leaving the ninety-nine to go after the one(see Matthew 18:11-12). Nimrod’s name means “rebellion” or “rebel”, which indicates the character of thismighty hunter. We find in Scripture, “For rebellion is as the sin ofwitchcraft.

    . . . . “(1 Sam 15:23). It is not surprising to find “witchcraft” being a mainingredient in the building of Babylon.

    Witchcraft is the use of emotions ratherthan the Holy Spirit to manipulate, control, or alter ones behaviour or decisions. Because it is the opposite of God’s love which allows freedom of choice, it forces aperson(s) to behave a certain way, usually through emotional blackmail. Extremeforms of witchcraft used by the occult involve black magic. However, subtle formsof manipulation can not only be found in the personal lives of many believers, butalso in the everyday running of many of God’s churches.

    Husbands and wives havefound that certain emotions will result in receiving a favourable response fromtheir spouse. Likewise, church leaders have found that certain words said in aparticular manner, or maybe a tear at the right time, or even a certain physicalgesture, is able to move the congregation towards the goal of that leadership. THISIS WITCHCRAFT! This takes away a person’s ability to make a free choice to obeyby FORCING their emotions to make a favourable response towards the onedisplaying these emotions. THIS RUNS CONTRARY TO GOD’S LAW OFLOVE!. .

    . . . . .

    . . . Love commanded is not love at all.

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    Babylon: The Great Whore. (2019, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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