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    Atom Model Evolution Essay (247 words)

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    The evolution of the modern atom model took several years to evolved withcontribution from different scientists. One of these scientists, the first tocome up with a modern model of the atom is JJ Thomson.

    Thomson proposes that thestructure of an atom is mainly a sphere. A sphere that is filled with positiveelectronic field and contains tiny particles that has a negative charge. Hecalled the tiny particles corpuscles. Thomsons model of the atom isoften refer as the plum pudding model because it has a consistency that isall the same throughout the whole atom with a few plums to represent the tinycorpuscles.

    Thomsons modern was widely accepted by people all over the world. It was such an amazing discovery that his model led to other amazing developmentof the modern model of the atom. Earnest Rutherford who was JJ Thomsonsstudents, contributed greatly to the evolution of the modern model of an atom. Rutherfords Gold Foil experiment was supposed to support and better provethat Thomsons model of an atom was correct.

    Instead, Rutherford discoveredthe existence of a nucleus in an atom. The Gold Foil experiment had threefounding; all were expected except for one. Rutherford found that a very fewalpha particles (1 out of 8000) was deflected by more than 90. This foundingproves that at the center of the atom was a super dense nucleus and totallydestroys the Thomson model. Rutherfords model of the atom wasnt as widelyaccepted as Thomsons model because there were still few people who supportthe Thomson model no matter what.Physics

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Atom Model Evolution Essay (247 words). (2019, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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