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    A Man of Determination and Persistence

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    For instance, doing the scientific experiment about worms for five years earned him prestige: therefore, it also helped him to earn the job. He “proved” that it is not possible to “extract one datagram Of myelin from four tones Of earthworms. ” His works prove that he is a man of determination and perseverance. Director Penny

    Marshall, has also shown in the movie that he finds plants intriguing. Hence, he visits the arboretum frequently. In addition to that, he also keeps plants in his fridge and studies about them with the aid of his botany textbook. As soon as he reach home from work. He rushes to the kitchen to take care of the plants. His interests towards plants prove that he is a curious individual. Even though he seems to be joyful in his life, Marshall believes something is missing! In the initial scenes, Marshall presents a world that questions Dry. Sawyer’s propensity to avoid human interaction.

    He lives by himself, and his house is filled with books. As a result, he has preoccupied himself with books like any stereotypical doctor would. There does not seem to exist a world where he could connect with real people. Marshall captured medium shots of the patients Dry. Sayers encounters with- emphasizing noise, how overwhelming it is on his first day at job? After observing the patients, Sayers got exhausted, at this particular juncture, Marshall took an internal framing shot- showing Sayers opening a window, making him feel like he is trapped in his job.

    He has weak social skills, thus, he hides behind glasses and files. During his leisure at the hospital, he visits the arboretum instead Of having lunch With his fellow colleagues. At the arboretum, Marshall captured a long shot of Sayers that isolates him from the rest Of the surroundings. His socially awkward personality is also evident when a golden retriever is at his footstep, he is frightened by the affectionate breed of dog. The doctor also hesitates/denies to go for a cup of coffee with Nurse Costello at the beginning of the movie.

    Even though he has been successful in maintaining his scientific career, he failed to maintain a connection with “living people. ” As a result, he-himself is responsible for being the “one that’s asleep. ” Marshall illustrates that, ‘The human spirit needs to be nourished with work, play, friendship, family. The things that matter.. ,The simplest things. ” However, Dry. Sayers seems to be unaware of the “simplest things,” which are taken “granted” for every day, He lacks the importance of living life rather than merely existing. Sooner things start to change as he comes across Leonard Lowe, one to his his catatonic patients.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Man of Determination and Persistence. (2018, Jul 22). Retrieved from

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