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    Army Profession and Army Values

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    What is a steward of the ARMY profession? They’re the embodiment of the ARMY values and the ARMY ethic. To be a steward you must ensure you take correct action and make the correct decisions. You have to motivate and inspire everyone you encounter and present a professional appearance. They create an open, and positive environment with stable support for all Soldiers. They strengthen trust and increase espirit de corps. They have a knowledgeable understanding of military expertise. Dedicated to serving honorably, something bigger than themselves.

    A steward of the profession is the manifestation of the ARMY values. The ARMY values consist of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, personal courage. Simply putting on the uniform every morning shows loyalty, and allegiance to the U.S. constitution. Duty consists of you functioning and operating within a team and accomplishing the mission without taking any shortcuts. A steward treats other’s as they should be treated they might not respect the person but they always respect the rank. They live to serve something bigger than themselves they are selfless. Inspiring Soldier’s to sustain a little longer and to not give up that is what a steward does. Stewards are honorable, honor links all of the ARMY values but honor is a habit and every action you take should coagulate the attribute. Stewards are the most trusted personnel because of their integrity, simply not saying or doing anything that demeans others. Stewards are courageous physically and morally. Physically they aren’t scared of threats and at times risk personal safety for the sake of the mission. Morally they’re courageous because they aren’t afraid to take the path less traveled for the sake of others and do not fear the retaliation for it.

    Stewards must take correct action and make the correct decisions. They are an intellectual individual because they have to have the competence to ensure they take the correct action whether physically or morally. They’re motivational and an inspiration to all others around. Stewards are the leaders that never do the bare minimum and never tell anyone else to do the bare minimum they push others to their physical limit so that they excel at whatever task it may be all while motivating them. Stewards have an aura of intellect, motivation, and motivation surrounding them.

    They’re silent professionals never wanting or asking for any recognition for anything whether it be something miniscule or something major, they believe enhancing the organization is all the admiration they need. They also keep a professional appearance and mentality at all regardless of if they’re at work or not. Appearance goes a long way especially in the ARMY, being a steward you keep a neat, and unkempt appearance at all times. Mentally being a professional involves something as simple as avoiding the use of profanity, and having a vast vocabulary.

    Increasing espirit de corps is one of many traits of a steward but one of the most important. Espirit de corps is French and translates to “group spirit”. They are constantly increasing unit cohesion with team building exercises. Stewards believe in the organization and have unit pride conveying it to the soldiers. Many Soldiers don’t know the iconic roots of their unit, stewards inform their Soldiers in hopes to increase espirit de corps.

    Proficiency in military expertise is just another common characteristic that stewards have. Military expertise is the design, generation, support, and ethical application of land power. They’re constantly developing knowledge on expertise and applying expertise under command. Perhaps the most important part is that they certify the expertise of other Soldiers. They oversee education and training vital to the organization including creation of military expertise.

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    Army Profession and Army Values. (2021, Jul 30). Retrieved from

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