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    APUSH Short Answer 3/1/16

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    1) The Lost Generation:
    a. Briefly explain ONE social development in the 1920’s that supports the Fitzgerald quote.
    The stock market boom of the early 1920’s caused many investors to become extremely wealthy.
    1) The Lost Generation:
    b. Briefly explain ONE economic development of the 1920’s that supports the Leuchtenburg argument.
    The stock market crash of the 1920’s caused the great depression, a time of poverty and bad conditions in the US
    1) The Lost Generation:
    c. Briefly explain ONE argument that supports that the 1920’s made a positive contribution to the long-term prosperity of the US.
    The evolution of the automobile revolutionized American transportation and continued to be improved. It replaced the railroad industry as the key promoter of economic growth, and other industries, steel, glass, rubber, gasoline, and highway construction, now depended on automobile sales. It even affected the social lives of Americans.
    2) Harlem Renaissance:
    a. Briefly explain ONE way the Harlem Renaissance supported the point of the view in the excerpt.
    The Harlem renaissance was a period of artistic achievement amongst blacks and helped integrate them into a white city culture in which they were accepted for their contributions and seen as human
    2) Harlem Renaissance:
    b. Briefly explain ONE example of an African American artist’s achievement from the era that would support this expert.
    Duke Ellington played a major role in popularizing jazz music in Harlem, and throughout the nation. Aside from his live performances at the Cotton Club, Ellington also wrote music for Broadway musicals, for other performers, and for tours taken by his band.

    Ellington was a master pianist and skillfully used elements of improvization, jazz rhythmic and harmonic patterns, and blues-based lyrics to his compositions. As “Duke,” he presented himself and his band with a style and refinement that gained recognition and widespread popularity among both black and white audiences. Movie appearances featuring his band enhanced his widespread reputation and appeal.

    2) Harlem Renaissance:
    c. Briefly explain what the author most likely meant by “the very core of prejudice” faced by African Americans in the 1920’s.
    He means that racism will not be solved from artistic achievements, but it will be weakened
    3) New Deal Programs:
    a. Briefly explain a New Deal policy developed to address the Great Depression problems for TWO of the following:
    • Banking- The Glass-Steagall Act increased regulation of banks and limited how banks could invest customers’ money.
    • Conservation- The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) sent young men to work camps to perform reforestation and conservation tasks.
    • Housing- The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) gave both the construction industry and homeowners a boost by insuring bank loans for building new houses and repairing old ones.
    • Unemployment- The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) offered grants of federal money to states and local governments that were operating soup kitchens and other forms of relief for the jobless and homeless.
    3) New Deal Programs:
    b. Briefly explain the composition of the New Deal political coalition.
    It was a coalition forged by the Democrats who dominated American politics from the 1930’s to the 1960’s. Its basic elements were the urban working class, ethnic groups, Catholics and Jews, the poor, Southerners, African Americans, and intellectuals. It was an alliance of southern conservatives, religious, and ethnic minorities who supported the Democratic Party for 40 years
    4) Internal Migration:
    a. Briefly explain the internal migration that resulted from the Dust Bowl.
    Poor farming practices coupled with high winds blew away millions of dried topsoil, and there was a severe drought. Farms were turned to dust and the health of farmers and their families were compromised. This caused Okies from Oklahoma and surrounding states to migrate westward to California in search of farm or factory work
    4) Internal Migration:
    b. Briefly explain the impact of the Great Depression on migration of ONE of the following
    • African Americans- As racial discrimination continued well into the 1930’s, African Americans were the last hired and the first fired. Black sharecroppers were forced out of the South because of cutbacks on farming production and were left jobless. Some New Deal programs assisted in providing low-paying jobs for African Americans and received moral support from Eleanor Roosevelt.
    • Mexican Americans- Discrimination in New Deal programs and competition for jobs forced many thousands of Mexican Americans to return to Mexico.
    4) Internal Migration:
    c. Briefly explain ONE similarity or difference between the Great Depression of 1929 and the Depression of 1893.
    Similar- They were similar in that they were both characterized by the unusual high rate of unemployment with companies that were very buys holding back on production or were standing idle. Most banks and companies completely went out of business with Americans losing homes or savings, and the general economy was in a state of low activity.
    Different- The Great Depression resulted from the stock market crash while the Panic of 1893 resulted from the decline of US gold reserves and the uncertainties of the US industrial surpluses that required foreign markets.

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    APUSH Short Answer 3/1/16. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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