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    “A&P” by John Updike Analysis (486 words)

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    John Updike’s style of writing in A&P gives his readers a sense of human interaction by creating a story that provides a plot how things are different from what the outcome will be. Sammy’s thoughts bring new insight to what he feels and that his imagination lingers creating his own reality. He thinks he could have a perfect relationship with Queenie who is basically in a different social class. His observation in describing in the girls in the grocery store walking in their bathing suits creates an environment of shock with the other customers. How is this permitted in a time where families are more conservative and wearing proper clothing was necessary in public when walking in public. The story was able to reveal different reactions how certain individuals react when the norms seen totally weird because someone is stepping outside the boundaries what it’s like to live life and being open to being different.

    There are times we go against our better judgement and do things at the spur of the moment without thinking what the outcomes will bring to us in the future. Sammy was so preoccupied with how the girls were dressed. He was making mistakes and not paying attention to what he was doing. Having a job is a big responsibility, Sammy first priority should have been attending to the needs of the customers and treating them with respect but instead he was too lost and distracted with the three young girls in their bathing suits. The author’s storyline gives his readers that human perspective that we at times lack awareness and only see things how we want things to be. Sammy assumed that defending Queenie and the girls will help him have a romantic relationship with Queenie. Sammy’s unprofessional manner at work by quitting his job on the spot gave him a reality check what life is all about. Queenie never noticed that Sammy was defending her honor and she never gave it a second thought. His gesture of being the hero was meaningless in the long run since now he has no job and no girl. Falling in love at first sight and having some fantasy with a girl who is out of your league is not always the right choice at that moment. Sammy is left empty handed because his personal feeling hindered his reasoning to think clear. John Updike’s words and thoughts helped me to engage in his story by providing a solid foundation to the readers.

    The author’s makes a good point in his interpretation in the story by effectively wrapping the readers to read between the lines than thinking how the story will end. The dynamics in Updike’s story shows us the struggles that people encounter in this world every day because of someone’s social and economic status does not fit in your life style.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    “A&P” by John Updike Analysis (486 words). (2022, Apr 27). Retrieved from

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