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    AOL 6.0 is the newest version of the AOL software Essay

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    AOL and service. We’ve streamlined the look, enhanced our most popular features and services, and added an array of other exciting innovations to bring the AOL service to a new level of ease of use and everyday convenience, and to give current members and other online consumers even more reasons to enjoy the benefits of AOL membership. As with every new AOL product, members’ feedback played a central role in the development of version 6. 0, which includes their top requests and suggestions and offers more personalization and added benefits of “AOL Anywhere. “(SM) New Benefits of “AOL Anywhere”(SM)AOL 6.

    0 is another major step in our “AOL Anywhere” (SM) strategy of making our members lives easier and more convenient by making AOL’s industry-leading brands and features available to them anywhere, anytime they want – from their PCs, the Web, their TVs, their phones, their pagers, and other personal mobile devices. As part of its new design, AOL 6. 0 features a new button on the main toolbar that directly connects members to a new “AOL Anywhere” site. This new “AOL Anywhere” site brings to life the spectrum of AOL features and services that members can access from wherever they are, including AOL e-mail, instant message features, the My Calendar(SM) service, portfolios, and other personalized news and local information – from either the Web or non-PC devices.

    AOL is also introducing a new AOL by Phone voice service, which lets members access their AOL accounts using their voice – from any telephone. These services will roll out with the AOL 6. 0 service later this year. Broadband SupportAOL 6. 0 offers broadband support over digital subscriber line (DSL), cable and satellite platforms and delivers AOL PLUS multimedia content and features like full-motion video and streaming audio to members whenever they sign on with a high-speed broadbandconnection.

    NEW FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS OF AOL 6. 0:* Streamlined New Look ; Design: A simpler and more intuitive toolbar provides faster access to the most popular and frequently used features and AOL content channels. The AOL 6. 0 Welcome Screen introduces new programming to make it more personal and relevant to members, and also enables members to customize up to 10 areas they visit often and want right at their fingertips every time they sign on.

    * New E-mail Features ; Enhancements: Members can sort their messages and save them directly to specific folders in the Filing Cabinet, and view HTML mail. There’s a new “Auto-Complete” capability for stored e-mail addresses, as well an “Auto-Unzip” feature to automatically decompress ZIP files at the time of download, and more. * New Buddy List and Instant Message Features: Members can easily alphabetize and organize names in the Buddy List feature, and insert and delete names at specific points within a list. They can set customized “do not disturb” messages while online, and a “status” window will detail the number of instant messages they received while away/busy, and the time each message was sent. Members can also personalize instant messages with new Buddy Icons, and when they type a “:)” text smile in an instant message, AOL 6. 0 will automatically convert it to a yellow smiley face graphic.

    * Built-in AOL Media Player: The integrated AOL Media Player in version 6. 0 enables members to seamlessly run audio and video content at the click of a button — without having to download a separate application. It plays popular streaming and local audio and video formats, and will work throughout programming on the AOL service –including search and shopping areas, and on sites across the Web. * New AOL Shopping Assistant (SM) : Assists members with their purchasing decisions; as members visit popular shopping sites online, the AOL Shopping Assistant will appear at the top of their browser and deliver special contextual store and product information while they shop * New Address Book Capabilities: The 6.

    0 Address Book is easier to use, more versatile and more accessible when members need it. Members can access it when away from their own computer and signed onto AOL 6. 0 as a “Guest” and even when they are offline — to make additions and updates. The Address Book feature also can now be arranged alphabetically and even

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    AOL 6.0 is the newest version of the AOL software Essay. (2019, Feb 03). Retrieved from

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