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    Abuse Of Power In Animal Farm Essay

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    Animal FarmThe novel, Animal Farm, was written byGeorge Orwell and was published in 1946. The story is about a farm in Englandaround the time of the Russian revolution. The animals on Manor Farm areirritated with the way they are being treated, so they start a revolution.

    The pigs, who were the smartest animals on the farm, took control of thefarm while the other animals worked. Throughout the novel the pigs lieto the other animals and change the rules, of the farm to accommodate themselves. George Orwell’s real name was Eric Blair. He was born in 1903. He went to school at Eton, and after service withthe Indian Imperial Police in Burma, he returned to Europe to earn hisliving writing novels and essays. He was a political writer who wrote ofhis own times.

    He was a man of intense feelings and fierce hates. He hatedcant and lying and cruelty in life and in literature. He was critical ofcommunism but was himself a Socialist. The setting for Animal Farm is Manor Farmin England during the time of the Russian revolution.

    The farm is enourmous. The farm has been enlarged by two fields bought from Mr. Pilkington, andvarious new buildings had been added. One of the major characters in the novel,Animal Farm, is Nepoleon.

    Napoleon, after driving Snowball, another pigwho was trying to take over the farm, off the farm, took over. Nepoleonsays one thing, and does the other, takes other peoples ideas, and he isthe biggest liar on the farm. Nepoleon took the freedom of the animals,that they had gained from the revolution, and twisted it so that now insteadof being enslaved by the farmer, they were enslaved by him. In the novel, Animal Farm, the animalsspeak with a Russian accent. For instance, the word “comrade” is used often.

    The pigs mostly use a Russian accent, but the other animals mainly usean American accent. Animal Farm is about a farm in Englandduring the Russian revolution. The animals on Manor Farm are fed up withthe way they are being treated. Inspired by a speech given to them by alate animal named Major, the animals revolt.

    The animals drive the owneroff the farm and take over. The pigs who were the smartest animals tookcontrol, set up rules, and kept the farm together. Throughout the years on the farm the pigslie to the other animals about, if they work hard, all the luxuries theywould receive. The years pasted and the animals worked harder and harder,but they never received their benefits. The pigs on the other hand didnot work at all but lived in comfort. The pigs also lie to the animalsand change the rules to accommodate themselves.

    For instance, in the beginningof the novel no animal was allowed to walk on two legs, drink alcohol,or sleep in human beds, because those were human luxuries and humans wereconsidered evil. After the pigs discovered the pleasuresof these luxuries, then the rules were animals were not allowed to drinkexcessively, to sleep with sheets, and walking on two legs was better thanwalking on four. At the end of the story, one could not tell if the pigswere human or not. One the themes of Animal Farm is Communism.

    Throughout the book the pigs who represent the communists, enslave theanimals. They make them believe by working hard they will be rewarded,but they never got rewarded. Another theme could be selfishness. Throughoutthe novel the pigs have the animals do all the work and they take all thefood. The pigs change the rules to accommodate themselves.

    The moral consideration of Animal Farmis that power corrupts people. After the farmer was overthrown the pigstook power. After the power shift the pigs changed, they started to becomemore like the humans . They used beds and clothes, drank liquor, and mademoney.

    They went against everything they first said they stood for. The novel, Animal Farm, expressed the conceptof communism well. The writer uses the element of for shadowing in a waythat, every time the pigs changed a rule or lied to the other animals,one could tell that they were becoming more and more like the humans, andeventually at the end of the story they practically did.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Abuse Of Power In Animal Farm Essay. (2019, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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