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    Andy Warhol Lifestory Essay (684 words)

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    Andrew Warhol was born into a working class family in Forest City, Pennsylvania on August 6, 1928. At a young age Andrew and his family moved to Pittsburgh, which would be the city he graduated high school from in SASS_ Stricken at an early age with a rare neurological disorder, the young Andy Warhol found solace and escape in the form of popular celebrity magazines and DC comic books. Imagery he would return to years later. (http:/,away. Overvaluations . Rug/legacy/biography. HTML) Tater graduation Andy Warhol attended the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie-Mellon University), graduating n June 1949 With a degree in Pictorial Design and dropping the “a” from his last name. On February 22, 1981 Andy Warhol, a millionaire at the age of 58, died due to complications of a routine gallbladder surgery in New York City. (http://www. Midi. Com/name/nm0912238/bio) When Warhol moved to New York, work came quickly tort him.

    Within a year to arriving, he garnered top assignments as a commercial artist for a variety of clients including Columbia Records, Glamour magazine, Harper Bazaar, NBC, Tiffany & co. , Vogue, and Others. He also designed Window displays for Bobbin Teller and I _ Miller department stores. (http://www_warholfoundationnrg/legacy,’biography_HTML)As Whorl’s fame grew as a graphic artist he turned his passion into painting and drawing during the fifties. It was not until the late sixties and early seventies that Warhol produced some Of his most ironic works.

    He started painting readily found, mass-produced Objects, drawing on his extensive advertising background. First, his paintings was based on comic strips in the likes of Superman, Popeye, and t’. Vow of Coke-Cola bottles. Then his ever-so famous series of Campbell Soup cans came along, long with his famous celebrity portraits of Marilyn Monroe. Elvis and When asked about the impulse to paint Campbell Soup cans, Warhol replied, ” wanted to paint nothing. Was looking for something that was the essence of nothing, and that was it. Because of such paintings as the Marilyn Monomer’s and Campbell Soup cans, today’s digital photo editing technology has coined the term “The Warhol Effect,” (http://horticulturalist. Org/legacy/ biography_HTML) In 1963, Warhol began to experiment with film. Some to his first films were captured by a Bole camera which includes: Sleep. Empire. Kiss. ND Blow Job. In the summer of 1966, Whorl’s film, Chelsea Girls, became the first underground film to be shown at a commercial theater. (http://YMMV_Midi. Mom/name/NMњ912238/bio) The Chelsea Girls was a controversial yet wildly popular film, selling out most of the theaters is played in. When the film played in Boston, the cinema was raided why the vice squad and the manager was found guilty to tour charges obscenity and tinted five hundred dollars for each charge. According to David Cordon, Warhol was “delighted” as is meant that he would be able to say that the film had been “banned in Boston” rotationally a publicist’s dream. When the film was initially released, Newsweek praised it as the “Iliad of the underground. Not all of the reviews were so favorable of the film however; for instance, Rexes Reed said, “Chelsea Girls is a three and a half hour cesspool of vulgarity and talent less confusion which is about as interesting as the inside of a toilet bowl. ” (http://www. Biography. Com/ people/Andy-Warhol-9S23875. HTML) Not only being known for his paintings and films, but also for photography, sculpture and writing. Warhol was an all around artist Of his day. Still to this day people praise him as one of the most well-known artist ever lived.

    Warhol being a little different in ways and views Of the public lead him into some Of his most wonderful pieces. He wrote scripts for Saturday Night Live and had his on televisions show on MET during the eighties. Warhol modeled in fashion shows and in numerous print and television ads for Sony, Vidal Samson and many other companies. (http://www. Midi. Com/name/nm0912238/bio) When Andy Warhol died unexpectedly on February 22, 1987, he left a vast and complicated inventory of works of art and personal possessions.

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    Andy Warhol Lifestory Essay (684 words). (2018, May 23). Retrieved from

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