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    Guilt And Then There Were None Essay

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    The author: Agatha Christie was born in 1890 in Torquay in England.

    Her father was called Frederick Miller so she was born as Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller. She was educated at home and studied singing and piano in Paris. In 1914 she married Archibald Christie, but then World War I had broken out. Agatha worked as a nurse in a Red Cross hospital in Torquay at that time and that experience was useful later on. The book: I recently read a mystery book by the name of “And Then They Were None” by Agatha Christie. I read this book because a lot of people that read Agatha Christies books recommended them to me and because I like mystery stories.

    One of the mysteries to this book was, of course, who killed all of the innocent people. Another mystery was that every time another person was killed a little Indian figure would disappear from the edges of a serving plate. SUMMARY: Ten people are invited to an island, called “Indian Island”, by letters that were signed by people they had met before. When they got to the island, they found out that their host, U. N. Owen, had not arrived yet.

    At dinner, they heard a voice, accusing each of them of a murder, which they were all guilty of. After one of them is killed, according to the first verse of a poem that is framed above each of their beds called “Ten Little Indians”, they figure out that the murderer is one of them! As more people are killed off, one by one, the group narrows the suspect list down, until only one is left alive but she figured that she would never get off the island anyway, and she hung herself from the ceiling by putting a noose around her neck and kicking the chair away on which she was standing, but she was not the SETTING: In “And Then There Where None” by Agatha Christie, they didnt say when it took place, but I wouldnt be surprised that it was in the 1900s because thats when she wrote it. It was on an island in the middle of the ocean. You couldnt see any other land that surrounded it because it was really in the middle of nowhere! The general atmosphere was dark because there was a lot of trees and the ocean was nice but cold. They didnt exactly say where it was located, but Im pretty sure it was in the Indian Ocean because they said it was called “Indian Island”!ANALYSIS: I really thought that this mystery story was very well written, and, in that case, very interesting! What I learned about this story is that you should never go somewhere with people you dont really know and like I said before: ” Ten people are invited to an island, called “Indian Island”, by letters that were signed by people they had met before”.

    I would never go somewhere far away with people I just met! This is a mystery story so anything can happen, which I know now! It has a lot of changing meanings and its a very doubtful story. You never know what is going to happen or how its going to finish! Its a very invented story(I think!) and the ideas of the author are almost impossible to happen in reel life, but I guess thats what makes the story interesting! CONCLUSION: I really enjoyed this book and thought it to be entertaining. It was a hard book to put down and I read about half of the book in one day because it was so interesting. And since it is a mystery, I thought I knew exactly what was going to happen, but it had a strange twist right towards the end. I really enjoyed that all the murders where done exactly how the famous poem “Ten Little Indians” said, which reads: “Ten little Indian boys went out to dine;One choked his self and then there were nine. One overslept himself then there were eight.

    Eight Indian boys traveling in Devon;One said he’d stay there then there were seven. Seven Indian boys chopping up sticks;One chopped himself in halves then there were six. Six Indian boys playing with a hive;A bumble-bee stung one then there were five. One got in Chancery then there were four. A red herring swallowed one then there were three.

    Three Indian boys walking in the zoo;A big bear hugged one then there were two. Two Indian boys sitting in the sun;One got all frizzled up then there was one. He went and hanged himself and then there were none. “I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes a good mystery. CHRISTIE, Agatha; “And Then There Were None”; May 1995; Berkley Pub Group; Reissue edition (May 1995); 208 pages. Bibliography:CHRISTIE, Agatha; “And Then There Were None”; May 1995; Berkley Pub Group; Reissue edition (May 1995); 208 pages.

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    Guilt And Then There Were None Essay. (2019, Jan 21). Retrieved from

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