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    An Overview of the Distinctive Health Care Delivery System in the United States

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    The U.S. has a health care delivery system that is distinctive as compared to other health care delivery systems in the world. Nearly all the developed countries have national health insurance program except the U.S. The programs are financed by the government and taxes paid by citizens. Citizens in such countries are covered by the health insurance policies. It is not the case in the U.S., where not all the Americans are covered by the insurance programs. It is, therefore, a manifestation that there is no central governing body in the healthcare delivery system,

    The healthcare delivery scheme as well has other characteristics that differentiate it from other systems. To begin with, the system is massive with very high employment level as compared to other developed countries. Several organizations and individuals are involved in the health care ranging from suppliers, research institutions, and insurers to health workers. The vast numbers of health care providers work in well-organized settings including offices for medical practitioners. The medical staff is also offered residential facilities around the health care institutions.

    In addition, the U.S. health care delivery system provides free medical care to the military personnel who are on active duty. Comprehensive services are delivered to the army, navy and air force. The services are provided by medical personnel who earn a salary, and they are both for prevention and treatment. A routine ambulatory care is based near the military personnel’s place of work so as to cater for emergencies. At the same time, the relatives and dependants of the active-duty personnel are also covered with the medical care.

    Vulnerable populations within the U.S. similarly have special medical covers and providers who offer medical care and additional special services. Medicare for example, provides health insurance to the elderly, the disabled and those with end-stage renal disease. Basically,

    The U.S. health care delivery system has more money spent on it by the government more than any other developed country. In the U.S. health care is limited to those who have medical insurance through their employers and those who can pay for the services on their own.

    Determinants of health are the factors that influence health condition. The health determinants fall under different categories such as; social factors, policy making, health services and individual behavior. The government is supporting improvement in systems that tend to harm human life. Policies like increasing taxes on tobacco help to reduce the number of tobacco users. In the social factors category, the government is striving to avail facilities and offer employment opportunities to its population so that they can meet their daily needs. The government is also working hard to reduce high costs of medical services in order to avail health care to the less fortunate. Lastly, the government is offering health care education on key issues like diet, smoking and hygiene. This is a big move to curb health-related problems.

    In the U.S., the social justice and the market justice complement each other. Under the market justice aspect, it is an individual’s responsibility for health while in the social justice aspect, health is a collective responsibility. In the market justice, the US government rations health care depending on individual’s ability to pay while in the social justice, health care rationing is planned, depending on the needs. According to the U.S. market justice in health care, emphasis is on the well being of individuals. In social justice, the case is different. The well being of a community is more important than an individual’s. Additionally, in the market justice aspect of health care, individuals receive medical care depending on their purchasing power, while in the social aspect; everyone has a right to medical benefits.

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    An Overview of the Distinctive Health Care Delivery System in the United States. (2022, Dec 20). Retrieved from

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