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    An Informative Essay on The Dangers of Unhealthy Eating

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    Great writers know the importance of editing a compelling essay. The most important part of the rewriting of a composition is to make sure you review the evidence that is written. The revising of an article is to find the mistakes that were made along the way. While there are many ways of editing and rewriting, it is essential to reanalyze your essay.

    What I Know, Assume, or Imagine

    I wasn’t aware of the dangers of this issue. I believe that there are two choices consume healthily and live long or eat unhealthily and live a limited lifespan. I know that enhancing a healthy lifestyle is very important because of the dangers it places on your health. When you don’t provide your body with the proper food, it doesn’t function at its best. Eating unhealthy introduces trans-fat, as well as saturated fats and sugar. Trans-fats and saturated fats and sugar can cause obesity, chronic diseases and even affect your mental health.

    As a child, I believed that I could eat anything I wanted as long as I worked out. However, this is not true because you must give your body the proper nutrients that are needed. An unhealthy lifestyle entails a significant risk of becoming overweight or maybe even obese. An unhealthy diet can also impact your mental health. Unhealthy foods can result in a loss of energy which means you won’t experience the desire to accomplish anything. For example, when you consume more calories than your body can handle it is then stored as fat. Obesity is a dominant factor for many exotic diseases such as cardiovascular disease hypertension and type two diabetes.

    Unhealthy diets increase the risk of chronic diseases. For example, ingesting a lot of fried foods can increase your level of cholesterol. Ingesting a lot of fried foods can cause your arteries to clog which can cause you to contact some heart disease. Red meats and full-fat dairy products obtain products that are high in cholesterol. I cannot imagine living without fried foods, but if I want to live a healthier lifestyle, I will have to give it up.

    The search

    In my work with live strong ( and with the (, I had the opportunity to research the factors of eating healthy. The answers that I received from both websites was that eating unhealthy can cause many health problems. Unhealthy eating can place you in great danger of contracting an illness. For example, if consuming a high-calorie meal, you must burn off the calories devoured so you won’t gain any weight.

    The website also directed me to serval different dangers of not eating healthy. The site was very straightforward and descriptive about what could happen if you choose not to eat healthily. Seeing the risks of not eating healthy was a big eye-opener for me. Eating healthy was

    a big eye-opener for me because I know that it could be tuff having a health problem such as diabetes.

    I can understand it is difficult for people to live and eat, it can be challenging. I am bothered that many people choose to ingest unhealthy foods. The website shared many reasons on why it’s unfathomable for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle. One reason why it is challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle is the lack of motivation. I also learned that it was hard for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle because it is valuable. There were serval websites shared with me like and These two sites gave information on why it is compact for people to maintain a healthful lifestyle.

    What I Discovered

    In conclusion, I am delighted I had the opportunity to research this topic. Before examining this topic, I was blinded by the impact that food had on humans. Now that I have learned more, I have improved my diet. I believe that if people improved their diets, they could live longer and maintain a more vigorous life.

    In conclusion, it is substantial always to revise your writing because it helps to improve your writing skills. What may be appealing to you may not appeal to others. It is vital that you connect with your audience. Always making sure that all topics agree with your introduction because if not it could throw off the reader’s attention. If any uncertainty of your writing constantly ask others.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    An Informative Essay on The Dangers of Unhealthy Eating. (2022, Dec 22). Retrieved from

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