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    An Assessment of the US-China Political Partnership

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    As the world develops, international relations become more relevant to people. Before, it was difficult to understand what international relations were. International relations try to explain how different nations interact in the worldwide system of interstates. Additionally, it strains to explain how individuals having characteristics that originate from a particular country interact In other words, International Relations entail the common behavior in various countries across the globe and the institutions that manage these relations (“International Relations I Department of Political Science”, n,d,). These interactions include intercultural relationships, global political thrift, and analysis of foreign policies, international security, social migrations, and terrorism.

    All these activities define international relations. The US-China partnership is an example of international relations. In the past years, the two states had always desired an established long-term relationship with each other, In 2011, presidents from these two nations met, China wished to establish equal cooperation with America based on the interests these countries share. This partnership aimed to grow both social and political economies in the United States and China. China and US had always wanted to collaborate with each other. However, this has never been easy. In 2012, the Chinese vice president, Xi Jinping met with participants from the US in Beijing.

    This meeting aimed at developing a new dimension of the China-US partnership. In this meeting, Xi pointed out that the success of this partnership would require confidence and determination from America and China. The then-American president, Barrack Obama pointed out that success of this partnership would mean that both states respect each other, put their conflicts aside and establish cooperation he termed as win-win. The relationship America and China tried to establish clearly illustrates the concept of international relations. The two countries wanted to come together for a common goal, grow the economies of both countries.

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    An Assessment of the US-China Political Partnership. (2023, Mar 16). Retrieved from

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