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    An Argument in Favor of Having Kids Should Juveniles Tried as Adults

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    The Federal Government should have kids tried as adults. What happens to the teachers families who are killed in school shootings? I feel that the federal government should change these laws for the following reasons. It filters out bad kids, helps keep them off the streets, and lowers crime rates over all. It will help a lot of kids learn from their mistakes a lot faster due to the more severe punishments. And the most important of all, itll save lives.

    It keeps bad kids off the streets. The kids obviously need help, and for the government to make the laws more strict, it will help keep them off the street longer. A good example is a brutal slaying the occurred in March of 1989. a 13-year-old girl let two boyfriends into her home so they could kill her father, who was strangled, stabbed and beaten on the head with a fireplace poker. Thats just not acceptable in our society today. The police said that the father could have died from all three of the methods they used. Can you imagine your daughter having two of her boyfriends come over, and then stab you, strangle you, and beat you to death? Its more like torturing to death rather than killing. That doesnt sound too appealing if you ask me.

    I also feel that if kids like this know that they are too young, then they will just go off and kill someone knowing that they wont be severely punished. What is unusual about this one (case] is the age of the defendants and the brutality of the crime, Halford said. Halford was a detective at the scene of the crime. The defendants cannot be tried as adults because they are under the age of 16, so the maximum penalty they can face is sentencing to the California Youth Authority until the age of 15, the judge said. I believe that if theyre old enough to commit a crime like an adult, then they can serve the time like an adult. What happens if someone close to you dies because some punk was mad at them. The most they can face is being in a juvenile detention center till the age of 25? I think I speak for everyone when I say that thats simply not enough.

    If this bill is passed, it will help the kids that do mess up learn from their mistakes and in return make the crime rates of Florida go down, increase the amount of successors here, and make it safer which will attract more people. There was once a program on MTV names Scared Straight. In this program they took 16 kids that had been getting arrested and in trouble with the police a lot. They took them to a prison, and exposed them to the inmates there.

    Just this experience for a few hours changed their lives. 14 our of 16 of the kids hadnt gotten in trouble six months after their experience. Thats 87.5% of the kids. If you could reduce the amount of criminals on the streets by 87.5% that would be incredible. The current laws prohibit juveniles from being within sight or sound of adult inmates, in this state. Congress if obsessing over the small minority of children who do commit heinous crimes and must be imprisoned. I think the answer sounds more and more simple as I go on.

    The passing of this bill would safe many lives. I think that if I could save a life in my time, I would have done my purpose on this planet. To save one life prevents so many people from feeling grief and pain. We all know what its like to lose a loved one, and imagine it were kids that killed this person. They shot them to death. What about a child. Someone who never got to live, never got to reach their goals in life, never got to fall in love. Well passing this bill would save so many childrens lives as well as teachers lives. It seems like theres a countless number of shootings in schools now. Ive collected a few here to show you.

    May 21, 1998 A 15-year old student in Springfield, Ore., expelled the day before brings a gun to school, opens fire in the cafeteria. Two Students killed.

    May 19, 1998 Three days before graduation, an 18-year-old honor student opens fire in parking lot at Lincoln County High School in Fayetteville, Tenn. Killing a classmate who was dating his ex.

    April 28, 1998 – Two teenage boys are shot to death and a third is wounded as they played basketball at a Pomona Calif., Elementary school hours after classes had ended. A 1-year-old boy is charged.

    March 24, 1998 Four girls and a teacher are shot to death and 10 others wounded during a false fire alarm, at Westside Middle School in Jonesboro, Ark. Two boys, ages 11 and 13, are accused.

    October 1, 1997 A 16-year-old outcast in Pearl, Miss., is accused of killing his mother, then going to Pearl High School and shooting nine students. Two die. Authorities later accuse six friends of conspiracy, saying the suspected were part of a group that dabbled in Satanism.

    This isnt normal. These are sick kids that need to be put to death, or sentenced to life in prison. That way they would learn, and others would learn that killing people is not tolerated in Florida. This is a bill that needs to be passed so we can start saving lives.

    Im 15-years-old and Ive felt this way since I heard about the first school shooting. I dont want to have to fear that if I go to school and happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, I lose my life. I dont think any child or teacher should have to go through with this fear. Have you ever wondered if you daughter would go to school one day, and you would never see her alive again to say I love you.

    To call her your little girl, nothing. Shes gone because a tough-guy decided he was better than the rest of us. So in conclusion I would think that we should pass this bill because it helps keep our society safe, lowers crime rate. Help kids leam, and save valuable lives. I trust you will make the right decision after reading this.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    An Argument in Favor of Having Kids Should Juveniles Tried as Adults. (2023, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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