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    Albert Einstein Essay Hook (495 words)

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    Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein was an important person who changed the world of science.

    People referred to him as a genius, and as one of the smartest people in theworld. Einstein devoted himself to solving the mysteries of the world, and hechanged the way science is looked at today. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. Albert’sspeech was late in development; he didn’t start talking until he was about three. Since he started talking late, his parents thought he was retarded.

    “Hisexplanation was that he consciously skipped baby babbling, waiting until hecould speak in complete sentences”(Brian 1). Einstein had a very bad temper whenhe was young; he got mad and hit his sister Maja in the head with a garden hoeand cracked her skull. When he was in school, his teachers thought he wasmentally retarded because he ignored whatever bored him and attacked anything hehad interest in. Einstein was twenty-one years old when he got married. His marriagealmost didn’t take place because Mileva, his fiance, thought he had an affair.

    Einstein decided to go to America to tell other scientists about histheory of relativity. He brought his wife and several freinds with him. Whenthey got there, they were stormed with reporters and camera-men who wanted toknow about his theories. He went around to different areas and gave speechesand lectures. When he appeared at Union Station to lecture, there was almost ariot because so many people wanted to see him. Einstein’s most famous theory was the theory of relativity.

    “Einsteinstarted his theory of relativity at the age of sixteen” (Encyclopedia 511). Hereceived the Nobel prize for his famous theory. Another famous scientifictheory he discovered was E=MC2 (energy equals mass times the speed of lightsquared). That theory made the atomic bomb possible. “At dawn on July 16, theatomic structure of the world was revealed when Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2came to life with a bang”(Brian 344). He was famous for his philosophies too.

    besides the theory of relativity, he discovered the theory of motion. “Themotions of bodies included in a given (vehicle) are the same among themselveswhether that (vehicle) is at rest or in uniform motion” (Hoffman 63). WhenEinstein was a kid, he devoted himself to solving the mysteries of the world. On April 18, 1955, Einstein died in his sleep. On his desk lay his lastcomplete statement, written to honor Isreali Independence day.

    It read in part:”What I seek to accomplish is simply to serve with my feeble capacity truth andjustice at the risk of pleasing noone. ” (Encyclopedia 513). Albert Einstein was smart as a child, but no one understood him, and hewas punished for it. Albert Einstein discovered the theories of relativity, andmotion as well as the atomic bomb. Einstein was one of the most important peoplein science, and he dedicated his life to changing the world. Works CitedBrian, Dennis.

    Einstein a Life. New York: John Whiley and Sons,Inc. , 1996. “Einstein, Albert. ” Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol.

    6. 15thedition. Hoffmann, Banesh. Albert Einstein Creator and Rebel. NewYork: Penguin Books, 1972. 

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    Albert Einstein Essay Hook (495 words). (2019, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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