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You Have To Learn The Rules Of The Game Albert Einstein Essay

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    Albert Einstein was on of the most popular men of all time. When one thinks of Einstein, they think “scientist,” or maybe, “genius. ” Well he was both of those, but not only those. Einstein was a meek man, an ingenious man also, a man that could invent any-thing in the world if he wanted to, but kept his ideas very normal and simple. Einstein was a very meek man in that he did not want popularity; he just wanted to be normal, just like everyone else.

    For example, at the Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein was offered a blank check for his salary. He did not accept it, he asked for an incredibly small amount. The director had to beg him to take a larger amount. He also, when he was walking in the rain, took off his hat because he believed that the hat could get ruined but his hair will get nothing but wet. Einstein did not act any different or better than anyone either.

    He did not dress any better, which was proved when Hoffman first met Einstein, he went into his office, and Einstein was sitting there in “ill-fitting cloths,” and his hair “characteristic-ally awry”. He did not speak or write better or more elegantly than anyone else either. He did not even have any special learning powers either. This was proved when Hoffman was writing equations on a blackboard when he was asked to slow down by Einstein, he said, “Please go slowly, I do not understand things quickly. ” Proving that he is not that much more intelligent than anyone else. Einstein was a normal guy with maybe just a little more on the brains side, but original as an ordinary person.

    Einstein was also a very ingenious person at the same time. He came up with many theories that have been written about, but also many that have not been put down in history. One of his greatest achievements was the theory of relativity (E=MC2), which was Einstein’s theory concerning that relationship among matter, energy, space, time, and gravitation (Energy equals the mass times speed of light squared). When he was in school, he used to ask his teachers calculus questions that they could not answer.

    “Have you ever wondered why a man’s feet will sink into either dry or completely submerged sand?” This question resulted in the theory or explanation of surface tension. He said, “When the sand is dry, there is obviously no water between grains. If the sand is fully immersed, there is water between grains, but no water surface to pull them together. “Einstein was a very intelligent man, but also very normal.

    He refused the chance to be very heard, which he became anyway, and did not want everyone to treat him anymore special than anyone. Hoffman clearly explains this is his story of Einstein. Einstein went from being an average school student, to being the most famous scientist known to man. His theories, which were not always used for a good cause and his explanations, revealed answers to everyday things that one does not realize. He was truly a magnificent man.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    You Have To Learn The Rules Of The Game Albert Einstein Essay. (2019, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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