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    A Trip to New York City Essay (675 words)

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    My favorite vacation of all time was to New York also known as the best place on Earth. I loved being in Times Square and seeing all the neon lights flashing. The peaceful atmosphere of the Twin Towers Memorial and how it contrasts from the high speed life that surrounds it. The walks that who took around the beautiful harbors there and all of the scenery was to die for. I loved being in such a high paced atmosphere where everyone knows where they are going and what they need to do. It is like they are all little ambulances that travel with the utter most urgency to get to where they need to go.

    Times Square was by far the best part of my trip to New York. I loved all of the lights. Some of the lights were flashing and others were the colors of neon. They were so distracting that it made it impossible to focus on just one sign. I loved walking around and going into all the shops. The buses even light up and are bright enough to be seen for miles down the road. The way it sounded like a huge beehive with thousands of bees buzzing around. People talking loudly and horns honking louder. The Twin Towers Memorial was the most beautiful part of New York City.

    It was surrounded by the most fast paced city in the whole world and it was so peaceful there. The quiet, sincere feeling brought me great peace. The water even had a calm way of down the sides of the square falls. It was so awesome seeing the only tree that survived that day. It was the craziest feeling that such a tragedy happened in now such a peaceful place. I felt a constant respectful atmosphere there. I was so disappointed to see that the museum was not yet open to the public. However hopefully the next trip I make to New York, it will be open.

    I saw two harbors when I went to New York. They were the most elegant and angelic places in New York. The beautiful blue water both calm but still waving was glistening from the setting sun. It was such a fresh crisp day. The temperature was a perfect cool but not too cold day. The wind was lightly blowing, which was just the right amount, and the boats were rocking in a graceful manner. It was a great way to spend the end of my first day in New York. The high paced atmosphere was the best part of being in New York, even though it is the polar opposite of home.

    It was like the energy level was on maximum at all times and the people were on full blast. It is like a huge bee hive with bees constantly buzzing loudly and flying around like it was there last days. It was the most exciting experience of my whole life. It gave me so much energy, life, and such a feeling of power like no other. It is like no one has to know you. You are walking down the streets in Times Square and you feel like a New Yorker. That is part of the reason why I would love to live in New York one day, because of the feeling the city brings to me.

    New York is by far my favorite place for vacation in this whole world. Times Square is my favorite part about going to New York with all its many lights and signs. The Twin Towers Memorial was very serene place to be in New York and it was so crazy because such a terrible thing happened at that spot. The harbors were so beautiful and provided such nice scenery to all that see it. Lastly the high paced lifestyle of the people in New York is the most energizing thing I have ever experienced. New York was by far the best trip I have ever taken and will one day want to be there again.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Trip to New York City Essay (675 words). (2018, Aug 02). Retrieved from

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