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    A Review of an Annotated Bibliography on the Dangers of Red and Processed Meat Consumption

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    The merits of this study are presumably credible due to the fact that they were undergone by AHA (American Health Association). The authors of this journal explain a study that was conducted testing red and processed meats. This study was significant because these two types of meats are the unhealthiest and most concerning to one’s diets. The consumption of these meat products was linked to several health issues including coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes alike. The use of advance statistics help calculates the degree of these issues, however, much of this process was nearly impossible to understand. This study was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates scholarship, which is generally only granted to extremely important issues. So, these findings are very significant to Nutrition and Science alike.

    These findings are very significant to my topic at hand. Although this article was difficult to understand because of the high degree of mathematics utilize. But one can certainly conclude from the results that these two things are correlated. I would like to use this information to show the direct results of consuming red meats and processed meats. This information has certainly made me more cautious of what I consume. Heart issues are most often fatal and the effects can often not be reversed. It is important for audiences to realize that not all meat is bad, it’s about the type of meat and moderation of consumption. Most food can be linked to negative health issues, not only meat. This research will be highly utilized when trying to show the negative effects of a traditional meat diet.

    The authors of this journal aim to show techniques that lead to a reduction of meat consumption. They understand that for some people, eliminating meat is somewhat impossible. However, reducing the consumption can significantly increase one’s health. This article appears to be highly credible, for the information and statistics presented match up. Many other links are also utilized to help prove specific points. I feel none of the authors are bias in any way, they do not come out and say that meat consumption is bad, rather show the data as to why too much can be a bad thing. Basically, the power of moderation. The authors of this selection also show how plant based proteins can be supplemented. This information is often times left out, however, it is very important when switching diets. I feel the ideas represented in this article are true and link up with other information I have already retrieved.

    I feel that this article can be very beneficial to my research. Reason being that it includes how to alter to a new diet. After I reach my conclusion of which diet is healthier, I can use these results to show how to alter one’s diet. By receiving plant based proteins, one can healthily adapt to this new diet. These shifts from consuming meat daily to consuming less of not even at all, can be very difficult. Even in my own personal life, I have tried consuming less meat products. At first, I craved them, and noticed the lack of energy I had. But I have switched to plant based proteins like tofu and beans, and they help aid this issue. I’m pleased with the organization of this journal, and I feel that it will direct me in a better understanding of my focused topic for this semester.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Review of an Annotated Bibliography on the Dangers of Red and Processed Meat Consumption. (2022, Dec 13). Retrieved from

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