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    A Public Controversy On Transgender Orientation Essay

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    There is a national uproar about transgender people using the restroom of the gender they identify as. Students in federal funded schools and adults in the federal work places have to follow by the rules. On the contrary, the nation as a whole does not agree with sharing restrooms with transgender people in in places like public restaurants, stores, and other businesses. For the supporters of pro-transgender restrooms, some states have nondiscrimination laws protecting transgender students to choose what restroom they feel more comfortable using, it’s their right according to the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. And according to the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration transgender employees should have access to a restroom that relate to their gender identity so it can create a healthy atmosphere and the employees could be treated in the manner in which they live their day-to-day lives.

    On the other side, the same rules and laws do not apply to everyone and while we can debate about which restroom is the right restroom to use, children are being bullied and threatened because everyone is not willing to comply with the new rules and regulations forced. The school and work place environments are becoming more aggressive because one person rights outweigh a whole slew of people that have their own civil liberties on safety and privacy. Everyone in the public communities will not accept transgender using opposite sex bathroom. While the Title IX Education Amendment that protect transgender choice to use the restrooms of the opposite sex should be defended, the privacy, respect and consideration for others should be supported; therefore, it is important that this amendment get revised so that. .male and a female so they have to adhere to the same laws.

    With that being a factual statement, a transgender male or female should in fact use the restroom classifying their gender at birth, if in fact that individual has not undergone surgery to replace his or her genital with the gender he or she identifies with. If there is no common grounds then create a third bathroom, a unisex restroom in every place that has a restroom. And if unisex restrooms is not the option to make equality for all citizen, we should refer the law. The U.S. Government Publishing Office referenced the Office for Civil Rights, Education in subsection 106.

    33: A recipient may provide separate toilet, locker room, and shower facilities on the basis of sex, but such facilities provided for students of one sex shall be comparable to such facilities provided for students of the other sex (GPO).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Public Controversy On Transgender Orientation Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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