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    A Personal Statement Letter for Entering a MBA Program at the University of Houston

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    My goals have evolved throughout my school and work experience which such diversity one of my ambitions to strive at the moment is to obtain my MBA from University of Houston and to join a prestigious company with an aspiring goal of owning a couple firms and business myself. People always told me to figure out what I like to do and make a career out of it. Before attending HCC, I came to the sudden realization that my interest lay in business. I fathom films when they would depict the young entrepreneur striving his way through success through his ambitions. In my history class from my previous school, I always looked forward to business projects and topics.

    An MBA degree can give you several career choices in industries such as banking, insurance, or manufacturing, and etc. the area in which I choose to concentrate during my degree program dictates my career path. Some of the more common MBA specializations include economics, finance, accounting, operations management, marketing, and real estate. Other specializations can include hospitality management, project management, and entrepreneurship. Basically the options are pretty much a handful with this degree which can either lead to advanced positions upon graduating. 

    Most qualifications for this depends on the specific field that is chosen. But most business school before attending require a series of interviews and most of them require a essay on why you want to pursue a MBA degree. Depending on the specific field that you are taking the classes vary on specifically what the course is specifically being taught. 

    Eventually I felt decided to steer my future towards a business management career I feel that in this field I will be able to express my talents and help me come out of my inner circle. One of my main goals is to bring a significant contribution to society, one of my goals for the far future is to start up a nonprofit organization to help communities in third world countries to be provided essentials for standard living.

    Obtaining a MBA degree is no easy task just like any degree it takes time and commitment and there will be times when odds aren’t in your favor. Just like any program for a MBA you will be required to take a certain set of test before you are admitted to the program. Depending on the program and university you plan on enrolling the requirements are dissimilar. I plan to pursue my MBA degree at the University of Houston which requires you to have a minimum GMAT of 610. 

    The GMAT is the most trusted test that universities account on for MBA undergraduates because it showcases the skills that matter the most. The typical starting salary for a MBA graduate in Houston is around 92,000 for people who have been on the field for around 5 years according to Texas Reality Check. I have compared my expenses in the future if I plan to pursue this career to see if I can live with the amount that I am earning in this field.

     Necessities such as housing, utilities, expenses, and etc. accumulated to 55,224 which is better than I expected since I don’t really manage my money wisely which gives the starting salary for a person barely starting in my specific field that I need is 69,030 which is below what the average income for a MBA graduate in Houston. My career can help me with paying my tuition of fast and with the classes I will be taking It will help me with managing my money wisely.

    Not everyone who gets the same degree will get the same amount of salary, where you are located geographically can play a major factor on your pay rate. The medium pay rate for a graduate in my desired field is 60,300 in the Houston area and averaging 48,000 in the United States according to Payscale. It is surprisingly lower than I expected but like most job you will need time and experience to move up in your field for a more desired rate of pay. Like some occupations the state of the economy can be a key factor and how the organizations, company is doing especially in urban cities like Houston.

    Just like any career, depending where you are living it can be a factor on why your salary can be lower in the south but higher in the northeast of the United States. Inflation of living products and necessities can apply when to moving a different city. Since I have been in Texas my whole academic life I have come to love the lone star state because of its low inflation. Originally I want to relocate to Dallas but maybe later on I will find a job that involves traveling since I have not have had the privilege to see the world outside of the United States.

    The job I plan to have is currently paying an average of 68,000. My main intention is to relocate to Dallas where most of my family is at, the pay rate is not affected that much which is averaged at 65,000. One of the major factors on why I want to relocate to Dallas is that real estate is 20% lower than the average in Houston which will help me financially if I plan to pay of my student loans.

    Houston is Texas largest city and one of the great reasons to relocate here it is home to around 500 fortune one companies and energy firms. With a wide variety of job opportunities for a high paying jobs. With Houston being so diverse cultures and relatively low cost of living it can truly be a fantastic place to live in. Houston’s standard of living is very low compared to other cities in the U.S, like San Francisco which Housing and real estate can be the biggest difference where ever you are located.

     According to BestPlace.Net 100 is the national average score a city can have to be a place where inflation won’t play a major role. Houston is being averaged in 2016 at 98.2 on the scale which is below the national average. With San Francisco at a whopping 242.6 which is more than twice the national average. For a person in my field location on where I am living can be a reason on why I prefer to work in a place where the city does not surpass the standard rate of living in the United States.

    Getting into a program or obtaining a specific degree will acquire a set of skills to help you obtain the job you are seeking. Upon receiving a MBA degree, you will have obtained a set of skills that will help you in the working world. One set of skills most MBA graduates contribute to their network is to expand their connections, the more people who look to you as a resourceful person when taking the specific MBA program, the more people you will have connections to. For many reasons this can be important like finding employees for your company, locating new resources, learning new opportunities for yourself just to name a few.

    Understanding the business environment and keeping up with what is happening in the economy is part of the learning process and improves your ability to solve problems facing your path. Communicating effectively and getting your point across can be a skill too and it may not be as easy as it sounds. Adjusting and trying to get your message across the readers can be quite tough. Viewing on how your audience or the people you are trying to get your point across is crucial to achieving your goals when communicating. In the MBA program they will teach you how to become persuasive and get your point across to the reader.

    The amount of hours you spend working vary on the career that you have for business school graduates the average work week for an MBA graduate varies by profession. According to Graduate Management Admission Council on average business school graduates work five days a week, nine hours a day accumulating for a total of 48 hours. Managers in every industry work long hours to complete projects and work assignments on time. Many MBA graduates are usually on call 24/7 to handle various issues and projects this can lead to a lot of pressure and time away from home. MBA graduates who have completed training and educated themselves in managerial communication, problem solving and critical thinking are well suited for thriving under such rigorous demands.

    We are constantly being told that education is the way to go if you want to obtain a better job. But many degrees are worthless in this economy, you may spend 4 years earning a degree and then something goes wrong in the economy and you won’t be able to land a job. Choosing a degree can be harder than it is, one bad factor of obtaining a MBA degree it is basically not what it used to be in the 90’s is used to be the gateway to move up in a company. Now almost all schools have a MBA program not all of them are the same. The school you attend matters, not all of the MBA programs are created equal this can be quite a problem for people who don’t research the program they are attending.

    One of my main aspirations for the future is to start a small nonprofit organization but I don’t have a single clue about starting a company and organization. This is where MBA programs come to play, many people who apply want to gain the knowledge which is taught and can be a valuable resource so it can give you the skills to set up and manage you own company or organization.

    A major factor that holds many people back on not just obtaining MBA degree, it can be any degree in general is the cost of tuition there are some programs that are less pricey but the degrees are sometimes worthless. Tuition for an ostensive program can cost around 20,000 to 100,000 depending the school you are attending. Studying not only for this degree, any degree means that the decision should not be taken lightly.

    Money and management can be a major factor and reason why many people pursue a MBA, but internal benefits can be just as important. A MBA program is a fantastic opportunity for personal development. It can help you go outside your comfort zone. Since many of your classmates in the program are pursuing the same degree, they can become resources and connections for any future job or projects. It can help you increase your confidence, connections, and etc. these attributes can help you in your future career.

    Most jobs pay more depending where you live that’s why most graduates relocate to get the most out of their degree. A well-recognized company that hires MBA graduates is google who are looking for employees that have skills that easily transfer to fields where they have little or no experience. Another well-known company is McKinney & Company located in New York that works companies in more than 30 specific industries giving MBA graduates exposure to a broad variety of fields. There are many industries where the skills of a MBA graduate is needed because of the leadership skills since MBA graduates apply for management positions.

    Organizations can help with your communication skills and a way to expand your connections. Organizations are a way to strengthen your resume and develop skills. Joining an organization can show you how to take student leadership opportunities to sharpen and help you learn skills to help further advance you in your academic career. There are several organizations that help you become a well-rounded business professional. An organization that helps you develop management skills Is ALPMM they give you training, education, and professional networking opportunities that will help you.

     One organization that I am interested in is the National Hispanics Society of MBA’s the NSHMBA main goal is to help open doors for Hispanics by sourcing leadership positions and enhancing professional development. They empower the Hispanic business professionals to achieve their full potential. National Black MBA association is a prestigious organization for the last 45 years they have achieved to have over 300 corporate business partners. The NBMBA is dedicated to develop partnerships that create educational ways and economic wealth in the black community. 

    The organization has helped through leadership, education, and they have even awarded over 15 million dollars in scholarships to deserving minority students. There countless reasons why joining a organization can help you towards your career and education. Helping an organization in your local community can be a way to give back and help the people who don’t have the resources.

     One way my degree can help my community is to volunteer at the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights I can use my set skills that I obtained to teach young immigrant students into the right path and with my mentoring I can help elevate their education. Share is a global non-profit educational foundation that has been providing international student exchange services to host families with this organization I could help by trying to see in my list of connections who would like to host a student, that way the young student will learn how a business runs differently from their original country and that will help him gain knowledge whenever he leaves.

    Our environment should be taken care of for our future generations to have the same privilege of a clean world I will work with Citizens’ Climate Lobby to help slow the effects of climate change, I will be using my management skills to help come up with a plan and initiate it for Houston to be more involved on cleaning our eco system.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Personal Statement Letter for Entering a MBA Program at the University of Houston. (2023, Mar 10). Retrieved from

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