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    A History and Importance of Education Development in Christian Europe

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    Education development in Christina Europe was of great importance. During this time, there have been extensive developments in higher education both in the Islamic and Europe. Education allows individuals to think beyond borders. It fosters creativity as people tend to use the gained knowledge into practicality in the society. In Europe, the intent of higher education is to encourage attainment of knowledge so as to improve the economic growth (Huntington, 1993). Also, the learning centers were introduced so that Christian ways could be taught in such higher education centers. The individuals who attended the schools were expected to participate in the school and grasp required skills so as to spread the same to others in the community.

    The patrimonialism in the government system became crucial. As a result, the individuals who could manage to gain higher education were expected to be leaders in the society and foster the growth of the country. The economy of the nation was vital in the Christian nation. Also, the education in the Christian Europe was meant to foster ethical behaviors that are required of right people in the society (Arjomand, 1999). Through producing expected leaders from the colleges and Universities, the system was supposed to provide individuals who attain the right attitudes that can lead the nation in a Christian way.

    In the Islamic World, the education was meant to foster moral behaviors and teach Islam ways. The religious functions were a must. Students were expected to learn Islam ways and behave according to the teachings required of them. Madrasa’s institution in specific was created so that people could learn the science of traditions (268). It was then called the science of culture. Learners were expected to grasp the traditions in the Islam nation. The concepts were to grasp the teachings and Islam ways so as they could transfer the same to others in the society. The science of tradition was very crucial for the continuity of the Islam community.

    During ancient times, the traders traveled long distances in a bid to trade. The empires with expensive materials became wealthier since caravans traveled long distances so as to acquire these treasures. An example was the trade between Mesopotamia and Indus Valley. It was then 300BC. The cities had treasures that initiated the trade were luxuries such as spices, precious metals, and textiles. Therefore, cities were rich in these materials became too much delicious.

    People exchanged cultures between the empires. The individuals could not manage to produce goods and then travel a long distance to sell them. As a result, the individuals who acted as middlemen made long distance walk from one point to another in a bid to capture the market. The second example was the trading partners between France, Spain, Africa, and the Middle East. Britain exported wollen, lead, tins, etc. They achieved olive oil, wine, pottery, etc. Therefore, such trades fostered cultural interactions between different people, which resulted in the civilization between involved nations. They could exchange views and learn from each other. New trading ideas emerged under global economy which impacted human culture positively.

    The commercial exchange enhanced the mode of interaction. The barter trade, in specific, was the most common in ancient times. People during that period got involved in barter trade. Caravans traveled a long distance in such of treasures from different locations. People struck agreements during business times, and it fostered a relationship between people from diverse regions. They could strike a deal and work within the contract.

    Through trade, people get to exchange ideas based on crafts, technologies, philosophies, and any form of creativity. As a result, people get to exchange skills and enhance. For example, the trade in India changed over the time. Donkeys and cats were substituted with the emergence of the ships so that people could move goods across the seas (Inglehart, 2003). Therefore, trade enhanced creativity as people wanted to move goods across the seas. They had no option but to think of a way of ferrying goods via the water bodies. It fostered creativity in people.

    Egypt, on the other hand, had lots of treasures in the country. People moved from various directions in search of these goods. The country had two routes in which the traders used, the south and the northern trade route. People moved from Mediterranean and Nubian regions. The need to move through the Mediterranean Sea became crucial, and it leads to the creation of boats and ships. Therefore, ancient trade activities enhanced trade between people and nations. Cultures were exchanged in the process of trading, which enhanced.

    Women played a crucial role during civilization period. The presence of women in ancient civilization was continually downplayed. However, they played a vital role in enhancing the family bonding and raising the children in the most humane way. Their role in the society was far too much acceptable. The women roles, nonetheless, varied in particular empires. The empires that will be compared for the discussion would be Islamic world, Christian Europe, Egypt, etc. In most cases, women were tasked with house chores. They cleaned the house, took care of children, cooking, and taking care of the family as a whole.

    In Islamic civilization, women played a crucial part. They raised the children and taught them accordingly. The teachings included social values that are expected of them while growing up in the Islam world. They ensured that the children were capable of living socially upright individuals in the society. Their role was crucial. The instilled knowledge they imparted in the kids helped them to grow up as disciplined individuals. Also, women acted as a sign of peace in the society. The women were tasked with the mandate to feed the family and provide clothing to them. Also, they formed key partners in the development of the Islamic civilization in the Islamic world.

    In Egypt, women had much freedom of choosing and men were allowed to marry as many women as possible. One could Mary own cousins, sister, etc. as long as a man has established himself. They participated in most things in the government. Consequently, they fostered fast civilization in these territories. The case is not the same as Roman Empire. Women were not mandated with authority to become emperor in the region. They had numerous restrictions.

    They were supposed to be submissive to their men (Welch, 1996). As a result, there were instances of rape and beatings coming from men. Regardless of the hurdles they faced, the Roman women stuck together and fostered own growth. They managed to stand firm and encouraged development of each other. They were still tasked with taking care of children and imparting required social skills in their children. They dressed them well, gave them food, and managed to stick alongside their husbands in fostering the growth of the community.


    • Arjomand, Said, Amir. “The law, agency, and policy in medieval Islamic society: development of the institutions of learning from the tenth to the fifteenth century.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 41, no. 02 (1999): 263-293.
    • Huntington, Samuel P. “The Clash of civilizations?” Foreign affairs (1993): 22-49.
    • Inglehart, Ronald, and Pippa Norris. “The true clash of civilizations.” Foreign policy (2003): 63-70.
    • Welch, Anthony. “A Medieval Center of Learning in India: The Hauz Khas Madrasa in Delhi.”
    • Muqarnas 13 (1996): 165-190.

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    A History and Importance of Education Development in Christian Europe. (2022, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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