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    A Comparison of The Raven and The TellTale Heart Essay

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    Comparisons of The Raven and The Tell-Tale HeartEdgar Allen Poe’s story “A Tell Tale Heart,” has the protagonist obsessed with an oldman’s eye. This obsession causes a conflict between the protagonist and his sanity. In TheRaven the man imagines that a raven is a godsend, intended to relieve him of his anguish. Theman imagines that like all other blessings of his life, the bird will leave. One of the main things ofboth stories have an eerie and dark side to them that are in common in Poes writings.

    Darkness is one of the characteristics in Edgar Allen Poes writings. In The Raven thepoem takes place in the month of a dark, and bleak, December and in the story of The Tell-TaleHeart the murder that the man commits takes place at midnight, showing the darkness of Poeswritings yet again. All of Poes writings have a certain darkness and gloom to them that personifiesthe dark side of romanticism writing. In conclusion the 2 poems hav ea significant deal Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Comparison of The Raven and The TellTale Heart Essay. (2019, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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