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    A Comparison of Lying in the Movie Liar Liar and Real Life

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    Just imagine if you could not tell a lie for one day. That is exactly what happened to Fletcher Coal in Liar Liar. Max, Fletchers son, made a wish that his father would not be able to tell a lie for one day, and it came true; that got me thinking. Telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, would cause major problems for everybody in society today. Think about it, lying helps out many people in almost every situation. When a couple has a baby, and they ask you, Isnt he adorable? of course your answer is Yes, but in reality youre thinking.

    That is one of the ugliest babies I have ever seen. Another good example of this is when a police officer stops you for speeding. Of course, your first instinct is to think of a way to get out of the ticket, Im on my way to the hospital officer, my sister is having a baby, or Im rushing my friend to the nearest bathroom, we had some really bad Mexican food for lunch. Sometimes telling a lie can get many people out of tough situations. Benjamin Franklin once said, Half a truth is often a great lie. This quote reflects the idea that telling a lie can help make a statement seem much more logical.

    On the other hand, things can get really ugly if you get caught in a lie. For example, if you and your best friend tell each other everything, and you just recently found out that she has been lying to you constantly, then the situation could become crazy. If you are in a good relationship with someone, then there are some things that you shouldnt lie to each other about. A friendship that is degrading and demeaning is no friendship at all. But breaking the friendship should be the last course taken.

    Talking to this person and confronting them about the situation would be the best thing to do. If you ignore it and let it become an even bigger situation, then you are letting this person get away with what they have falsely created. Genuine friendships go through trials that test the honesty and intimacy of friends. People should always respond to this with sincere regard for your friend and you will hopefully overcome these obstacles.

    When I lie, it sticks to me and has a tendency to come back and haunt me. For example, say someone will ask me something that I have lied about and I cannot remember the lie, then I look stupid. Doesn’t it seem that when you lie, you have to make up another lie to cover the lie that you have already told. I think that there are more consequences when you lie than when you tell the truth. I feel that people lie because they dont want to hurt another person, or that they just cant face the reality of telling the truth.

    As I see it, everyone has to lie to go about everyday life, but it is how you handle the situation that makes up who you are. It really depends on the situation when it is right to tell a lie or not, and that is really up to an individual to figure out. Everyone is taught, Do not tell a lie or bad things will become of you. But can you honestly say that you know of one person who hasnt told a lie. That is why I feel that, The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Comparison of Lying in the Movie Liar Liar and Real Life. (2023, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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