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    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Essay

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    Jules Verne was born in France in 1828 and always had a love for the sea. He once tried to be a sea captain on a boat but things did not work out. Jules Verne has written many very famous books such as Journey To the Center of the Earth, Five Weeks in a balloon and Around the World in Eighty Days. I have written a review on one of his most famous books 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. This book combines adventure, suspense and mystery throwing in a few pieces of information about life under the sea.

    The book begins with some great suspense, it begins with a boat chasing a giant monster that has destroyed some huge unsinkable ships. Every time they get close to this monster a giant stream of water shoots hundreds of feet into the air, causing the boat to back off. Once in a while the monster will disappear from sight for hours.

    While reading this part of the book the reader feels like he is on the boat chasing the monster also. A lot of times the boat gets close enough to the monster to catch it and thoughts of what you think the monster could be run through your head like crazy. When they finally make an attempt to capture it, it disappears beneath the depths of the ocean.

    One of the most suspenseful and mysterious parts of the book was when the characters were thrown into a big room inside the submarine that seemed to have no doors. At this point in the book the characters have no idea what was going on, neither does the reader.

    The only thing that happens during the time in this room is a man comes in and gives them some food, minutes later they all fell asleep.

    Why where they put to sleep, where is this room that seems to have no doors? This is just one of the hundreds of questions going through your head during these couple chapters of the book. When they wake up all the lights in the room are off and the submarine is shaking.

    When they finally meet and become comfortable with the captain they get an invitation to go hunting 2 miles under the sea. They put on these huge underwater suits that can withstand the pressure two miles under the sea, then the cabin fills up with water and a door opens. Two miles under the sea, what adventures are down there waiting for them? What amazing sites are two miles under the sea?

    What dangerous are awaiting people in the depths of the sea?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Essay. (2018, May 28). Retrieved from

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