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    Culinary Arts Report Essay (733 words)

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    The title page or cover page The executive summary Acknowledgement Contents Body of report Menu evaluation Conclusion and recommendation Appendices Table of Contents It should include the commencing page of acknowledgement, executive summary, abbreviation (in Roman numeral egg, i, ii, iii, iv etc) The page numbers should be stated on the right side of the page (typed and not hand written) Title page at the front of the project paper is considered to be page (i) , but do not type the number.

    The Roman numeral (ii) appears on the first page that follows the title page (see Appendices) The table of contents should also have an accurate title and commencing page (in numerals egg. 1,2, 3, etc) of all topics, major subdivisions, subdivision and appendices. Executive summary Write one page summary Of your report, highlighting on how o find the hotel as a beneficial training ground.

    Body of the report 0 CHAPTER 1 (an overview of the organization -approximately 4-7 pages minus organization chart and pictures) C To introduce the organization where you had undertaken the industrial training. D The organizational chart of the organization O Facilities available at the hotel The food and beverage department C The food production department CHAPTER 2 AND CHEAPER 3-aloud contain reports on two kitchens- a chapter per kitchen (if you were attached to more than two kitchens, choose two most prominent ones).

    The CONTENT of each chapter must contain approximately words (approximately 12-14 pages minus organization chart and kitchen layouts These should contain the following information: n The name of the kitchen for each chapter concerned 0 Kitchen brigade (the organization chart of that kitchen department/outlet) CIA Kitchen equipment and layout II Miss en place; daily and promotional events; special events For each kitchen: D 4 Activities performed such as: inter kitchen transfer, buffet set up, event orders, requisition, general cleaning, department training, outside catering, etc.

    Departmental glossary Heading and sub headings should be used to give clear indication of the content Title of sections/departments should use numerals of heading (egg. 2) sub heading (e. G. 2. 1) and sub-sub headings (e. G. 2. 1. 1 and 2. 1 . L(a)). Photos, plans forms or any appendix material should not be included in this section. It should be referred to systematically in the appendix. 6. Conclusion and Recommendation (approximately 4-8 pages.

    In this chapter student will be graded on his/her cohesiveness in narrating and reflecting his/her experience and benefits gained from the internship) RL CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter should include the following: o Comments on work relation o Problems and recommendations o Past knowledge o Present training and skills acquired o Future career paths and industry development o References 7 _ Appendices C] This section should be placed at the end of the report.

    This section should contain: forms, event orders, photos, samples of standardized recipe form each department. It should be given a systematic indication such as: o Appendix 1: coffee house kitchen layout o Appendix 2: dry store requisition Note: Refer to the REPORT EVALUATION MARKS for grading scheme S TYPING AND BINDING FORMAT 1. Typing 0 0 2. The usage of Microsoft Word application is encouraged. The usage of electric or electronic typewriter is not allowed at all. Language o o Only Formal English Language is allowed.

    Get the report to be proof read before submission to avoid deduction on the mechanic section (language, spelling, grammar & sentence structure) tort report evaluation. Paper o o o Use only good quality AAA size (approximately 21 Mom X 237 mm) white paper (80 gram) Typing should only use one side of the paper. Colored paper should only be used as a page separator. Font & Paragraph o o o Use only Times New Roman (font size 12) or Arial (font size II) Line spacing should be I . 5″ and the paragraph should be justified After each full stop or comma (J leave a space bar before continuing with the next sentence.

    Margin o The page set up should be as below: Top Bottom Left Right 2. Scm” 2. 5 CM” 3 CM” 3 CM” 6 6. Headings & Title o o o Topic headings should be capitalized & bold Sub division headings should be typed from left hand margin in title case type The title of photograph, tables and charts should be type in title case type Photograph, Chart & Table o o Tables should be place as near as possible to the part of the text to which they refer. Chart, maps etc. May be placed in the appendices and should be indicated (egg.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Culinary Arts Report Essay (733 words). (2018, Aug 22). Retrieved from

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