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    The whole stage for most of the play Essay

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    During the 7thJanuary, I tried to concentrate on my space and be aware of how much of the stage I was using. That was quite easy as I had to use nearly the whole stage for most of the play! I was the character that had to create the atmosphere; it was quite hard as I wasn’t sure what to do. I found it quite easy in the end because I got use to it and learnt I can change the different atmospheres in a room with only one word, or even only one action. I showed this just after Chris had opened the play with his shouting and talking fast, as I slowly appeared talking slowly and faint but also shivering with my eyes darting around the room as if looking at something, saying ‘can….. you……see……them, they are watching you!’ With my hands also round my throat!!

    Finally on the 14th when we were concentrating on body language, and what movements best explain my mood and action. I found that not everything had to be said to get to the audience what I want them to know. For example I found it easier to use my body language to talk to the audience rather than speaking! This is shown when I am walking round trying to apologise to the audience for Chris shouting at them, and I just look worried and up set…. By putting my hand up, and trying to make eye contact with them.

    During the rehearsals there were a lot of important decisions made these included what the plot was going to be! This was one of the most important decisions made because without it we would have been performing a completely different play which would have meant different marks. I came up with the original idea for the play and the group expanded it from there. This was the most important idea followed closely by the staging, I decided that the best option for our play would be theatre of the round; this would enable us to get the aspects of the play across to the audience and also involve the audience more. Aside from this I decided on what character I wanted to be and how this affected the play. I believe most of my ideas were

    I believe the drama we created was close to one of our original ideas. Although not matching! I feel our performance was a success. This is because it went well and to plan, even though we got lower marks than we would have liked on our original performance. We have improved those marks easily this was because it was simple mistakes we made, that were easily adjustable. For example all three of our tone and pitch of our voices stayed the same through out the performance. This was changed easily with people slowing down how they speak and varying the tone of voice as well. Aside from that one of our achievements I enjoyed about the play was the staging. This is because i decided to use theatre of the round! As this allows us more space to perform in. I also liked theatre of the round because it was difficult but I believe it made our play into a better performance.

    As we were theatre in the round, we thought it would be easier to use simple lighting techniques; this is because it fitted around our play, and hopefully made it better. I decided to include one black out and a bright light. The bright light was used to show the dismissal followed by the fading of the emotions. This helped to create a tense mood with the audience wandering what is going to happen next. The black out was used at the very end just to show the play had completely finished. We didn’t really use costumes because I thought you don’t know what emotions look like, as they are always there but you can never see them! With this in mind we decided to use black out fits because you can see use but not clearly!

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The whole stage for most of the play Essay. (2017, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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