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    What It Means to Be a True Gentleman Sample Essay

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    During the twelvemonth 1899. in the province of Virginia. there was a adult male named Mr. John Walter Wayland who. at the clip. entered into a competition with merely the hopes of coming out as the victor. Many old ages ago. The Baltimore Sun came up with a competition for the best definition of a “True Gentleman. ” After his entry. Mr. John Walter Wayland was however selected as the victor. with his definition of the “True Gentleman” being printed in the Baltimore newspaper every bit good as in many other publications thenceforth. For many old ages. the writer of the “True Gentleman” was thought to be anon. . until the 1970’s when the editor of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon pledge manual. The Phoenix. Mr. Joseph Walt. discovered that the U. S. Naval Academy in Annapolis besides used the “True Gentleman” definition in their manual. where they came to happen the true writer to be Mr. John Walter Wayland. However. it wasn’t until 2001. during the Fraternity Convention in Orlando. Florida. that it was officially adopted as Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s credo.

    As a future member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. I am expected to cognize. understand. and represent Mr. John Walter Wayland’s definition of the “True Gentleman. ” which reads: “The True Gentleman is the adult male whose behavior returns from good will and an acute sense of properness. and whose ego control is equal to all exigencies ; who does non do the hapless adult male conscious of his poorness. the vague adult male of his obscureness. or any adult male of his lower status or malformation ; who is himself humbled if necessity compels him to humble another ; who does non blandish wealth. cringe before power. or self-praise of his ain ownerships or accomplishments ; who speaks with candor but ever with earnestness and understanding ; whose title follows his word ; who thinks of the rights and feelings of others instead than his ain ; and who appears good in any company ; a adult male with whom award is sacred and virtue safe” ( Mr. John Walter Wayland – Virginia 1899 ) . In one manner. I view the “True Gentleman” definition as an infallible usher for covering with other people. whether they be members in Sigma Alpha Epsilon or non. It helps me set up a guideline for how I should move went set up against a state of affairs. while. at the same clip. determining my behaviour and personality into that of a successful and well-thought-of adult male. Although Mr. John Walter Wayland’s definition of the “True Gentleman” may look inaccessible or impossible to populate up to. it does non give. me. any member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. every bit good as any other individual in the universe. the rights to merely sit back and half-ass the work I should be seting into representing the “True Gentleman. ”

    No affair where I am. or whatever nerve-racking point I am in my life. I must ever retrieve the definition of the “True Gentleman” and strive to be the well-thought-of adult male that Mr. John Walter Wayland expects each and every one of us to be. Although I may non hold the “True Gentleman” definition memorized right now and although I may acquire frustrated at times. I must non swerve off from one of the most indispensable facets I will develop over my old ages as a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. It will take clip. but there is nil more I want so to go a living illustration of the “True Gentleman. ” because I know that if I follow Mr. John Walter Wayland’s words. I will happen true regard and success. When analysing the “True Gentleman. ” the credo of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. it may merely look as if you are acquiring some philosophical verse form thrown at you. However. when you take the clip to measure each and every line. you will happen a specific significance behind each word and every phrase. However. before I can even look at the lines. I notice the semicolons. which. to me. likely have the most of import significance beyond everything.

    The semicolons. in my eyes. mean that every word and every phrase is to be seen as “one. ” whereas. if they were to be replaced with periods. it signify both halting and get downing. Right off. I can truly see that everything Mr. John Walter Wayland wrote is to be “done as one. ” You are either making everything or nil at all ; there is no fillet and get downing mediate. However. this analogy of making everything. with no mediate. can besides be exemplified through our current pledge category. We are one unit. either all right or all incorrect. either all together or all scattered. and either all succeeding or all weakness. There is NO mediate. When one individual fails. we all fail. It isn’t until we all get something right that we are “truly” right. Now. traveling on to each phrase. Mr. John Walter Wayland starts the “True Gentleman” out stating: “The True Gentleman is the adult male whose behavior returns from good will and an acute sense of properness. and whose ego control is equal to all exigencies ; ” First off. when you say the word “gentleman. ” it is of import that you put excess accent on the “man. ”

    This excess accent on “man” should intend something more to us. nevertheless. It should connote that we are endeavoring to be like the mature adult male. and non the kid. For illustration. non holding any concern for those around him. the kid has ever and will ever be egoistic. Egocentricity. or the belief that one is the centre of the existence. should ne’er be something that a “True Gentleman” strives for. The “gentleman” is neither egoistic nor bizarre. but is a mature societal being who respects others in society with the outlooks that he will besides happen that regard paid back. Traveling on. the “man of good will” has a echt involvement in other people. This means that we are expected to hold a true apprehension of what human existences truly are and to wish them because of their virtuousnesss. go forthing any of their mistakes behind. A “man of good will” is besides willing to collaborate with others. When he sees an chance to flip in and assist. he responds with enthusiasm and does it lief. We should non be one that waits to be asked upon. Then we get to the word “propriety” that is the automatic sense. which we must all obtain. of making the right thing at the right clip.

    This means. so. to hold an “acute sense of propriety” is to be watchful. or to remain “cool. ” No definition of “cool” should be able to fulfill a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. but opportunities are that the true work forces you would name “cool” are those who are watchful and detecting. They watch what is traveling on around them and they listen more frequently than they speak. We must besides come to the point where others can look up to us due to our ability to manage any state of affairs good. This is largely a affair of self-denial. which makes the “gentleman” equal to any state of affairs. whether it is a legitimate exigency or non. Now. true. there are some state of affairss that are difficult to run into. However. Mr. John Walter Wayland does non anticipate any one of us to develop into a miracle worker. This phrase. in short. calls for us to seek our absolute best in any exigency to rectify the state of affairs. Mr. John Walter Wayland so continues his definition of the “True Gentleman” by stating: “who does non do the hapless adult male conscious of his poorness. the vague adult male of his obscureness. or any adult male of his lower status or malformation ; ” It is clear that all work forces are non precisely equal in intelligence. endowments. abilities. or in societal and economic place.

    While we may knock others’ bad lucks and seek to make whatever we can to assist them get the better of their troubles. we. as “True Gentlemen. ” should ne’er do any other adult male witting of lacks that they have no control over. no affair what they may be. As a “True Gentleman. ” I must ever retrieve ne’er to be barbarous or unkind to any other adult male. I must larn how to stress the good in others and minimise the bad. Mr. John Walter Wayland so goes on to farther specify the “True Gentleman” by stating: “who is himself humbled if necessity compels him to humble another ; ” We all make errors and. of class. there are times when we all need to be corrected of our failures. However. as worlds. we accept unfavorable judgment best from those who can take unfavorable judgment every bit good as they can manus it out. That’s merely how we work. It genuinely is a existent trial of the “gentleman” when he finds it necessary to assist and give constructive counsel to another without giving discourtesy. We ever want to assist others as gentlemen. but we must ever do certain that. at the same clip. we aren’t minimizing others of what they can’t make right. Furthermore. the “True Gentleman” definition continues with Mr. John Walter Wayland stating: “who does non blandish wealth. cringe before power. or self-praise of his ain ownerships or accomplishments ; ”

    Any adult male who feels compelled to mortify himself before wealth and power is a adult male to be pitied. He is non and will ne’er be a “True Gentleman. ” To represent the “True Gentleman. ” we must ever hold proper regard for authorization. However. it must be out of a sense of order and equity. The “True Gentleman” must cognize that. as an person. he is merely every bit of import as any other adult male. Nevertheless. while a “True Gentleman” has both assurance and pride. we must ne’er tout of our ownerships or accomplishments. I must larn to seek and avoid the overexploitation of the “I” and get down including everyone by utilizing “We. ” After all. as a pledge category. we are “one” unit. For illustration. when it comes to athleticss. I will ever play my hardest and ne’er darnel. even in littlest of things. However. if I do lose. I must accept licking gracefully because good sportsmanship is one of the first Markss of a “True Gentleman. ” We must all understand that our personal accomplishments will be recognized from others shortly plenty. Additionally. Mr. John Walter Wayland continues by stating: “who speaks with candor but ever with earnestness and understanding ; ”

    We all enjoy covering with people who are blunt and honest. but a “True Gentleman” should seek to develop a unagitated voice and avoid profanity. because the abuse of our linguistic communication is inexcusable no affair whom you may be turn toing. However. one who speaks forcefully and efficaciously must besides retrieve to talk unfeignedly and with sympathy. There is NO replacement for earnestness in address and action. The true cogent evidence of earnestness and sympathy prevarications in one’s changeless behaviour. It’s non a erstwhile trade ; you must ever be sincere and sympathetic to others. Furthermore. Mr. John Walter Wayland continues his “True Gentleman” definition with the phrases: whose title follows his word ; who thinks of the rights and feelings of others instead than his ain ; ” A true gentleman’s word is his bond. As “True Gentlemen. ” we must go wholly reliable and allow others to be certain that you will ever maintain your promises. However. as “True Gentlemen. ” we must besides see the feelings of others. We must ever be thoughtful of others. every bit good as be gracious to others.

    We must come to cognize that courtesy is the wont of genuinely esteeming the feelings of others. I must ever maintain a topographic point in my head for others’ sentiments and bask larning about their point of views on topics. Finally. Mr. John Walter Wayland ends his definition with the phrases: “and who appears good in any company ; a adult male with whom award is sacred and virtue safe. ” As a “True Gentleman. ” I must be witting of my visual aspect. and since people will frequently look at me due to my tallness. I must larn to ever hold pleasant organic structure looks. Finally. a adult male of award is one with whom virtuousness is safe. Virtue means truth in character and honestness of behavior. and so the “True Gentleman” must ever be a adult male of virtuousness in its fullest sense. However. as a “True Gentleman. ” I must ever make ALL. There is NO mediate. and there is NO room for failure.

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