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    The Benefits of Human Cloning

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    English 0373. 08June 24, 2004Essay #5Human cloningMany people have already heard about the first cloned sheep. Itwas a breakthrough to the whole world.

    Many scientists saw the benefitslying ahead for humankind. With this discovery, the possibility of humancloning was speculated. Many governments were eager to ban human cloning. To ban the research “will just push it underground and into unscrupuloushands” Human cloning and its technology are necessary and should becontinued because the cures to diseases may be found, the infertilityproblem may be solved, and more geniuses may be produced.

    First, high hopes in developing new cures treatments, and for serious,and unmet medical needs. Some diseases are inborn and cause permanentdefects on an individual. This suffering may end soon if cloning isallowed. Parents worried about their child being born deformed can be restassured that cloning is actually genetically safer than normal sexualreproduction because it bypasses the most common form of birth defecthaving the wrong number of chromosomes. In Addition, hundreds of people dieall over the world, because it is impossible to find a transplant donor witmatching tissue. Human cloning would solve the problem of finding atransplant donor whose organ or tissue is an acceptable match and wouldeliminate or drastically reduce the risk of transplant rejection from thehost.

    The benefits of human cloning and its technology are necessary andshould be continue. Secondly, In vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, embryomanipulation, surrogate motherhood, and more were once strongly opposed tobut we have grown accustomed to them and have accepted them as forms ofreproduction. Cloning is oneofmanyhigh-technologymethodsofreproduction. For example, those who are attracted to the ideaof”selective breeding” will prefer cloning because it involves a smallergenetic gamble than does a combination of sperm and egg of even highlydesirable strangers. In addition, it is a chance for some people to havewhat they thought they never could have, a child of their own.

    Banninghuman cloning is an equivalent to disallowing life. Cloning technology,once perfected, will allow the conceiving of a genetically related childusing any cell from the body. Another example, Cloning will give toinfertile or homosexual couple a chance to have a biological child. Therefore, we should continue the research on human cloning and not ban itso quickly.

    Finally, Clones will have their own soul and identity like any otherhuman being. They will be a distinct individual not a replica of anotherperson. Each clone would be like an identical twin, very similar inintelligence, manners, and alike. The clone will never be a duplicate inpersonality.

    The importance of the environment with respect toanyindividual is a major factor affecting one’s behavior and character. Genesare another essential factor, which greatly affect an individual. Forexample, social identity and social ties of relationship and responsibilityare widely connected. Many people still think that cloning Hitler will alsomean repeating what he did.

    Scientists reassure to the public that this isnot possible, as for such historical events to be repeated, all thecircumstances that allowed Hitler to be what he was would have beenrepeated as well. If Hitler was cloned and brought up in a well-to-do,happy family which he enjoyed being in, this clone will not follow thefootsteps Hitler as his background is no longer the same. However, he mightbecome one who can speak incredibly well and eventually become a well-respected leader. Still, human cloning and its technology have theirbenefits and research work should be continued.

    In conclusion, many terminally ill patients in hospitals are waitingfor a solution to end their suffering. Leukemia patients need a healthybone marrow that matches their bodies, or they will die. AIDS and otherdiseases are still incurable. Many doctors and scientists see cloning as avery conceivable way of solving these problems and freeing these sufferingpeople soon.

    All research and technology will someday cure diseases,prevent the deaths of people who wait unceasingly for an organ fortransplant, give hope to people who otherwise cannot have their own child,and allow more people with extraordinary traits to be born into this world. Thus, the continuation of human cloning and its technology are majorbenefits to the human race. Human cloning is a possibility in playing a bigrole in our future.

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    The Benefits of Human Cloning. (2019, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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