Understanding and recognizing the values I hold dear is important to me. By doing so, I can understand what values are more important at my job and personal life. In this assignment I will introduce and explain in several ways what values I hold dear, how I have been able to identify them and how I will continue using them for a successful career.
Which Approach Did I Take?
The approach I used is exploring my values. The things I love to do are spending time with my family and friends. We are always looking forward to the weekend. My husband and I work opposite shifts every other week, so the weekend is very special for us. We usually visit family members or friends or have them come over for dinner. I enjoy cooking at home. Cooking at home not only helps my family get healthy meals but I feel satisfied knowing that it is also saving us money from eating at a local restaurant. Keeping myself healthy is important for me, so I enjoy spending some time at the gym. Setting aside three hours a week and use it at the gym helps my body and mind be at peace. This method helps me remedy some of the stress I go through the week. The last two things I appreciate are cleaning my house and going to the grocery store. I feel accomplished and prepared when I have gathered all the items from my grocery list. I feel good with myself knowing I can prepare meals ahead with my busy life. I usually deep clean my house every Saturday morning. The reason I do Saturdays is because I have my son, who is eight years old help out with the chores. With his help not only am I getting the chores done quickly but I am also teaching him responsibilities that will help him be successful in school and life.
One thing I would change in the world be the days of the week. Instead of having seven days in a week I wish we had eight days instead. My days off work are always Saturdays and Sundays. I wish we had a third day within the weekend. This would be so beneficial to me because I can accomplish so much within the weekend. One thing I would change about myself would be to stop being shy or timid. I would like to be more confident with my abilities. I feel some people look at me like if I have a low self-steem. I do not believe this is a personality trait I hold, but I do believe in my abilities and what I am capable in accomplishing. Showing that I have a high self-steem is a must for me because I want to show potential employers that I am capable of completing and doing the job requirements.
Values I Identify
The values I was able to identify were family, friendship, love, and success. To me family is fundamental important. Being with my family and knowing we are safe and healthy motivates me to succeed in life. I value friendship, because my friends I have in my life are very encouraging and helpful to me. They are always helping me when I need advises or when I need someone to watch my children. I was able to identity love. I believe dedicating my time to my family is an act of love. Teaching my son on how to accomplish chores at the house show an act of love value. I was also able to identify success values. Planning out my grocery list to make ahead meals for my busy week makes me feel accomplished and successful at the same time.
Values Mission Statement
My mission in life is to value family and friendship because this is a blessing I have. I treasure their presence in my life because they make my life happy and blessed. So, if I am happy in life, I will be motivated to push hard and harder to accomplish all my goals I have. My mission is to provide love to my actions by always choosing the right things to do in life. Making right choices will help me reach my potentials and stay motivated in life.
After completing this assignment, I was able to identify what values I hold dear. Learning what keeps me motivated helps me stay focus and on track. Knowing I have these values helped me identify with myself with growing and developing as a person with great values.