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    Unmasking the Beast: A Deep Dive into the Symbolism of “The Beast” in Lord of the Flies

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    William Golding’s revered novel “Lord of the Flies” is abundant in symbolic elements that have spurred a multitude of analytical discussions. One of the most perplexing and captivating symbols within the tale is the entity known as “The Beast”. Although initially presented as a creature of dread, The Beast assumes a deeper role as an allegory in the story’s context. This piece aims to delve into the symbolism of The Beast in Lord of the Flies, exploring its more profound metaphorical connotations.


    At first glance, The Beast appears to be a physical, external monstrosity that terrorizes the young boys marooned on the desolate island. However, Golding’s brilliance shines in his gradual unveiling of the true essence of this intimidating specter. By tracing the transformation in the characters’ comprehension of The Beast, Golding probes the primal human fears, the inherent nature of evil, and the devastating impact of societal collapse.

    The Beast initially manifests as a “snake-thing,” a product of the boys’ nightmarish imaginations. As their initial terror and unease about the foreign surroundings amplify, so does the influence and aura of The Beast. Yet, The Beast’s form is fluid, evolving with the boys’ mounting fear and paranoia. It metamorphoses from the “snake-thing” to a beast from the water, subsequently to a beast from the air, and finally to the “Lord of the Flies” itself – a grotesquely severed pig’s head impaled on a stake.

    Through The Beast, Golding employs a metaphorical device that exposes the latent malevolence within human nature. The boys’ conviction of a physical Beast externalizes their inner shadows, attributing their emergent brutality to an outside force. This notion is epitomized when Simon, the most spiritually aware among the boys, experiences a hallucinatory conversation with The Beast embodied as the Lord of the Flies. In this eerie dialogue, the decapitated pig’s head asserts that it is an inseparable part of the boys, declaring, “I’m the beast… I’m part of you.”

    Additionally, The Beast symbolizes the disintegration of social structures and civilization. The boys’ escalating dread of The Beast parallels their crumbling adherence to the initially established rules and systems. The more they yield to their base instincts, the more they feed into the existence of The Beast. Therefore, The Beast becomes a reflecting surface, mirroring the boys’ eroding morality and humanity.


    In the context of “Lord of the Flies,” The Beast extends beyond being a mere external threat; it epitomizes the innate evil within the human psyche, echoing the boys’ internal descent into barbarism. Through this ghastly figure, Golding suggests that every individual carries a beast within them, which can surface when societal constructs dissolve, and fear prevails. The true terror doesn’t lie in The Beast itself, but in the revelation that the seed of malevolence is sown within us. In this sense, The Beast stands as a chilling reminder of the darkness concealed beneath civilization’s facade. It ultimately signifies a basic human truth — that the most dreadful monsters are those that inhabit our own hearts and minds.


    1. “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding: The primary source for your essay should be the novel itself. Pay close attention to the descriptions, interactions, and symbolism related to the beast throughout the story.
    2. Literary criticism articles: These critical analyses offer different interpretations and insights into the nature of the beast in Lord of the Flies. Some renowned literary critics who have written about this topic include Harold Bloom, Stanley Edgar Hyman, and Lionel Trilling.
    3. Academic journals: Scholarly articles on Lord of the Flies can provide you with in-depth analysis and discussions about the beast. Consult databases such as JSTOR or Project MUSE, and search for keywords like “beast,” “symbolism,” or “fear” in relation to Lord of the Flies.
    4. Study guides and book summaries: Online study guides and book summaries often include sections dedicated to analyzing the beast in Lord of the Flies. Websites like SparkNotes, CliffsNotes, or Shmoop can offer valuable insights into the topic.
    5. Literary analysis books: Look for books that specifically focus on analyzing Lord of the Flies or explore the symbolism within the novel. Some recommended titles include “The Annotated Lord of the Flies” edited by Ian Gregor and Mark Kinkead-Weekes or “The Novels of William Golding” by Philip Redpath.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Unmasking the Beast: A Deep Dive into the Symbolism of “The Beast” in Lord of the Flies. (2023, Jul 15). Retrieved from

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