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    Guns on Campus Essay (813 words)

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    During the years the new problem appeared in Virginia’s schools and other American educational centers. This problem is connected with a great number of school shootings on the campus and the common use of the gun without a permit. The problem becomes even worse and significantly lessens the level of students’ and teachers’ safety on campus. This fact also negatively impacts the reputation of American high schools. They are usually considered as the main place to bring up the new educated generation and establish them in life. However, nobody wants to become the victim of handgun shootings and marked his study process with negative aspects.

    The spread nature of handguns

    Many people do not want to stay aside in this problem and try to find the reasons for such frequent use of weapons among students. Do American gun manufacturers have a benefit with this? Honestly, the problem is much deeper. A great number of students who carry a handgun with them without a permit have specific reasons to do that. They carry and use weapons in order to express their power and received attention from the other people. If to examine the situations of school shootings in Virginia’s schools and the ones in other American cities, people can definitely state that in most cases the weapons’ users were unqualified and untrained students. They carry a handgun on campus territory just to show that they matter something.

    Reasons of shooting

    There are a significant number of reasons that caused such a situation. If to consider the colleges as the territory for relatively adult individuals, there is a chance to stay that all of them are responsible and self-established ones. It is logical that the older a person is, the more conscious he/she becomes. However, the practice shows that it is not a strict rule and sometimes the reality is rather different.  People can’t be the same as they are growing up in different atmospheres and very frequently, the atmosphere they are growing in is rather negative. Parents that are always arguing, the financial problems, and many others do not allow students to become psychologically stable. In most cases, they are simply in the wrong condition to be capable of thinking over their actions.

    There are a number of schools that forbid carrying any kind of gun on the campus. However, the practice shows that it is not a reliable sign of the protection. You can never know when the people who carry a handgun appear and start shootings. The number of old stories from previous years makes people search for different ways to comfort themselves and feel protected. The situation becomes more and more complicated, and many people live with fear about their life.  It is hard for them to accept the fact that their safety can be easily broken by some abnormal figures who dared to carry a handgun. For this sake, both young and old residents of the campus frequently use a firearm on their chest to reduce the chance to be involved in shootings.

    Establishing an armed security guard is one of the most common solutions lots of schools decided to apply in order to protect the safety of their students. This guard is working to detect the individuals who want to carry any kind weapons with them when coming onto the college territory. This method is really effective and allows regulating the stability of the safety on the student’s territory. When everyone is checked there is no reason left to worry about the presence of the weapon in the class and the chance of gun violence is extremely small. Following this idea, lots of colleges forbid their learners to carry any kind of guns. They choose not to allow their visitors to protect themselves by arming but to create a whole atmosphere of protection by forbidding everyone uses anything that potentially may cause the harm for others.

    American gun manufacturers may be disappointed by such politics as they will receive fewer incomes. However, the government should definitely take this problem under consideration and help the college to solve it. The truth is that the school should remain its reputation of being the safest territory for the young people and they do not need to have a fear of being involved in any act of violence. It is extremely hard to establish who has the right to carry weapons with him and who should be forbidden to as he is not psychologically stable. It is a complicated and long process, and it could have the list of drawbacks. The decision to make arming forbidden for every single student is much more optional and helps to establish a safe atmosphere in much shorter terms. The students are our future, and we should not leave them in the condition they appeared. Their safety impacts their success in life.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Guns on Campus Essay (813 words). (2019, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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