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    The Importance of Being Kind (635 words)

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    Oh heart! Why not utter a kind word to that cripple beggar you pass by everyday.

    I still remember that sunny day in 3rd grade when my mom was sick and couldn’t make me lunch, lunch time approached, everyone enjoyed their juicy tender meals while I was too shy to ask anyone to share, so I quietly left the class in an excuse to wash my hands, but when I came back, I still remember that pink colored lunch box filled with the lunches of all the students placed on my chair, that was the best lunch I ever had! I don’t know who started this act of kindness, but that one deed still speaks out to me that kindness still exists in this world.

    I still remember that rainy day when I had no umbrella to take on my 2km walk to the library, and a girl who was merely a junior to me lend me her only umbrella, I was thankful but ashamed of my own self, as I never did such a selfless act of kindness before and my obsession over things always prevented me from sharing.

    I have not been able to return as much kindness as I have received from the universe. The moment I realized this, I decided to join my colleagues to make an NGO TWC (together we can) to spread the message of love and kindness to the world, by arranging free medical camps in rural areas, spreading gay smiles on the faces of orphans, the children deserted by their parents, the parents deserted by their children left to live their old life in old houses, and the patients of cancer who have no hope to live, a kind word to spread smiles on their faces, and helping them monetarily as much as possible.

    I have decided to inaugurate another organization to help the countless cripple beggars on the streets in Pakistan, some of them having too much self-respect to beg for the bread to feed their toddlers.

    A sad fact of my country is that kindness if practiced is limited entirely to humans. Dead bodies of dogs and cats lying on the roads hit by rash drivers makes my heart ache. I have been contacting PAWS to help spread awareness regarding this issue.

    Recently, I fed a stray dog , became acquainted with it, a few days later, found his skin shredded with a serious topical disease, I contacted PAWS(Pakistan animal welfare society) with no positive feedback due to lack of volunteers in Taxila, a week later I found it’s dead body. Now I have decided to become a volunteer of PAWS to help the injured and sick animals in Taxila.

    Much more kindness can be done with the gift of tongue if used properly. Greeting everyone, asking about their problems, ups and downs in life, listening to their depression is an unanticipated yet greatest kind deed I think a person can do.

    Another way to practice kindness is to clean up your environment and give a healthy message. I recently collected funds from my university to increase the number of trash bins. Last year, after the Annual Dinner Event in the department, I along with my companions cleaned the ground of the leftovers of the dinner, as there is a shortage of sweepers in the department.

    Abdur Sattar Edhi has been my motivation that helped me walk the path of kindness, his noble journey started in his childhood, when his mother used to give him two cents everyday, one to spent on himself, and the other on someone else. This little deed of kindness grew and now the biggest cost-free NGO and Emergency Ambulance service is owned by Edhi, even though he is no longer among us, he set a great example.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Importance of Being Kind (635 words). (2021, Jul 29). Retrieved from

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