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    Survey on Tissue Paper User Essay

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    INTRODUCTION Tissue paper has been a significant part of our day to day life for the purpose of purity, cleanness and freshness. Facial tissue and toilet tissue has been the most widely used form of tissue paper. Facial tissue refers to a class of soft, absorbent, disposable paper that is suitable for use on the face. The term is commonly used to refer to the type of facial tissue, usually sold in boxes, that is designed to facilitate the expulsion of nasal mucus from the nose although it may refer to other types of facial tissues including napkins and wipes.

    Toilet paper, which differs in composition from facial tissue, is designed to deteriorate when wet in order to keep drain pipes clear. Some types of toilet paper are designed to decompose in septic tanks, while other bathroom and facial tissues do not. It is a soft tissue paper product used to maintain personal hygiene after defecation. Facial tissue is often referred to as a “tissue” “Kleenex” which popularized the invention and its use. The term “paper handkerchief” is also used. In most parts of the world, handkerchiefs have fallen out of use, except for fashion, and their function has been replaced entirely by facial tissue.

    More than just a handkerchief, today’s facial tissue is now designed to alleviate and prevent discomfort and sickness by facilitating the expulsion of nasal mucus from the nose (“blowing the nose”). The tissue is a disposable type of paper engineered to be thin and soft for comfort, but extra sturdy for function. Because extraneous mucus is an annoyance, facial tissue is a widely used item in households worldwide. Records of human usage of toilet paper first appeared in China, during the 14th century. Using water to clean oneself, in lieu of toilet paper, is common in India and Muslim countries.

    The use of water in Muslim countries is due in part to Muslim sharia which encourages washing after defecation. The advantages of toilet paper are that it is easy and intuitive to use, fairly absorbent, can be conveniently made available near toilets and it can be flushed in most countries where toilet paper is common. Most modern sewage systems, including septic tanks, can accept toilet paper along with human excreta. In many instances, used toilet paper is placed in a tin or dustbin next to the toilet if the plumbing or septic system cannot cope with toilet paper.

    Misplacing the soiled paper can lead to a serious faux pas, regardless of culture. Toilet paper also has disadvantages: environmental, infection, cleanliness, replacement costs (materials & time), and a high level of cognitive/ physical functioning to be used properly. The modern alternative: heated bidet – is rapidly decreasing in prices and increasing in variety. In purchasing toilet paper, there are many deceptive marketing techniques being used. One of the most common is to increase the size of the empty hole or narrow the width and size of the paper.

    Fancy packaging is another common method, allied with carefully placed advertisements and publicity techniques. OBJECTIVES Broad objective: To examine the demographic profile of tissue paper users and its use-related and use-situation implication in their respective life. Specific objectives: ? To know briefly about the users of tissue paper. ? To identify the consumer characteristics of the tissue paper users ? To identify the motivational factors that influences the tissue paper users ? To see the perception of consumers among the different tissue paper users ?

    To find the situational influences that affects the tissue paper users ? To identify the evaluative criteria that the consumers use tissue paper in different situations ? To identify the usage rate of the tissue paper among the different status of people ? To identify awareness status- unaware, interested, enthusiastic etc, on brand loyalty, on time, on objective, on location and on person as well. HYPOTHESIS Tissue paper usage has nowadays increased tremendously among the different income group of the city dwellers. SCOPE

    Our scope is to understand the behavior of our sample size and determine whether our hypothesis is true based on our research work METHODOLOGY Our project will be based on primary and secondary information relevant to our topic. For our primary data collection, we will conduct a survey among the city dwellers, especially university students, middle class; upper middle class and upper class people whom we believe constitute our target groups. We intend to conduct survey on at least 50 people from different segments mentioned earlier–15 people from each segment to get a relatively crystal idea from our research work.

    For this, we will prepare a questionnaire comprising at around 20 pertaining questions to get the opinions as well as perceptions of those people. In order to satisfy our secondary information needs, we will explore several magazines, newspaper articles, advertisements and web pages of different tissue paper companies operating or marketing their products in our country. LIMITATIONS It is quite natural that in the process of preparing a research paper, we all have to undergo certain difficulties.

    As a research paper is quite impossible without the assistance of others and are bounded by a time frame, we had to overcome many obstacles frequently in preparing it. Few other potential limitations that caused us some suffering when preparing the research paper are: ? Design of the Questionnaire: Questions could have been more accurately designed to meet our need for relevant information. This could have in return helped process data analysis much faster. Information biasness: It is really difficult to measure human behavior, as it is very complex in nature.

    Misinterpretation of the question by the respondents also causes biasness. Finally as direct data collection method is adopted, this might also influence the respondents to give biased answers. Time Constraints: It is a marketing research to be conducted in a broader scale and so it obviously requires more time than the typical reports that we have to prepare for most of our other courses. But as we had to maintain our regular class schedules and prepare for other exams and projects, we felt the need for more time in hand when conducting the research. Sample Size

    This type of research requires a vast sample size, but in short scale research we could not take a vast sample. 50 people were decided as our sample size using no sampling techniques, especially because our population has remained to be unknown. The population of tissue paper in the country is huge enough for us, with such limited authority to gain insight into. Thus, interpretations of survey results may not necessarily stand true for the entire population. FINDINGS ? People of different ages consume tissue paper. ? People of all professions consume tissue paper. People with different family income are the moderate user of the tissue paper. ? Most of the people expense more than TK. 50 to TK. 100 on tissue paper per month. ? Most of the people use both facial and toilet tissue paper. ? People use tissue paper any where and any time they need it. ? People prefer tissue paper to handkerchief because it is easier to use. ‘some people also think that they use it for its cleanliness and availability. ? People use tissue paper because they can use it for multiple purposes. ‘some people use it because it is available at their home. ? People mainly use tissue paper in toilet. People specially use tissue paper in summer when they sweat. ? They also use tissue paper in the restaurant and when they have caught cold. ? A small number of people use tissue paper during facial. ? Majority of the people use Bashundhara tissue paper. ? Most of the people do not have the specific brand and they buy tissue paper depending on the availability. ? Most of the people buy box tissue and mini pack tissue. ? A small number of people like large pack tissue. DATA ANALISIS Frequency Distribution Gender Among 50 participants, 26 of this survey were male and the rest 24 were female.

    Age |Age group |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent| |Below 20 |6 |12 | | | |20-30 |27 |54 | | | |31-40 |5 |10 | | | |Above 40 |12 |24 | | | |Total |50 |100 | | | pic] According to the frequency table and pie chart, 6% respondents are in the group of below 20, 64% are in the group of 20-40, and 24% are in above 40. Thus, the majority of the respondents are of 20-40 groups Q1. I am a: | |Frequency |Percent | |a. Businessman/ Service Holder |12 |24 | |b. Housewife |6 |12 | |c.

    Under graduate/Post graduate (university/college) |26 |52 | |d. Some high school/ High school graduate |6 |12 | |Total |50 |100 | According to the frequency table, 12% respondents are Businessman/ Service Holder, 6% are Housewife, 26% are under graduate/Post graduate students and 6% are some high school/ High school graduate . Thus, the majority of the respondents are of under graduate/Post graduate students.

    Q2. My monthly family income is: | |Frequency |Percent | |a. less than TK. 15,000 |3 |6 | |b. TK. 15,000- TK. 25,000 |8 |16 | |c. TK. 25,000- TK. 50,000 |12 |24 | |d. above TK. 50,000 |27 |54 | |Total |50 |100 |

    According to the frequency table, 6% respondents have monthly family income of less than TK. 15,000, 16% have TK. 15,000- TK. 25,000, 24% have income TK. 25,000- TK. 50,000 and 54% have monthly family income of above TK. 50,000 . Thus, the majority of the respondents monthly family income is above TK. 50,000. Q3. I am a: | |Frequency |Percent | |a. heavy user of tissue paper |10 |20 | |b. ight user of tissue paper |7 |14 | |c. moderate user of tissue paper |26 |52 | |d. occasional user of tissue paper |7 |14 | |Total |50 |100 | According to the frequency table, 20% respondents are heavy user of tissue paper, 14% respondents are light user of tissue paper, 52% respondents are moderate user of tissue paper and 14% respondents are occasional user of tissue paper.

    Thus, the majority of the respondents are moderate user of tissue paper. Q4. My monthly expense of tissue paper is: | |Frequency |Percent |Valid Percent |Cumulative Percent | | a. less than TK. 50 |15 |30 | | | |b. TK. 50 – TK. 100 |21 |42 | | | |c. TK. 100 – TK. 200 |8 |16 | | | |d. More than TK. 00 |6 |12 | | | |Total |50 |100 | | | According to the frequency table, 30% respondents have monthly expense on tissue paper is less than TK. 50, 42% respondents have monthly expense of TK. 50 – TK. 100, 16% respondents have monthly expense of TK. 100 – TK. 200 and 12% respondents have monthly expense of More than TK. 200. Thus, the majority of the respondents have monthly expense on tissue paper is less than TK. 50. Q5. I do use: |Frequency |Percent | |a. toilet tissue only |2 |4 | |b. facial tissue only |11 |22 | |c. both toilet and facial tissue |32 |64 | |d. other forms of it like wet tissue or towel |5 |10 | |tissue | | | |Total |50 |100 |

    According to the frequency table, 4% respondents use toilet tissue only, 22% respondents use facial tissue only, 64% respondents use both toilet and facial tissue and 10% respondents use other forms of it like wet tissue or towel tissue. Thus, the majority of the respondents use both toilet and facial tissue. Q6. I use tissue paper at: | |Frequency |Percent | |a. my home and office or university |11 |22 | |b. only at home |7 |14 | |c. nly at office |1 |2 | |d. any time & anywhere I need |31 |62 | |Total |50 |100 | According to the frequency table, 22% respondents use tissue paper at home and office or university, 14% respondents use only at home, 2% respondents use only at office and 62% respondents use any time & anywhere they need. Thus, the majority of the respondents use any time & anywhere they need. Q7.

    I prefer tissue paper to handkerchief because: | |Frequency |Percent | |a. its cleaner |13 |26 | |b. its easier to use |18 |36 | |c. its handy to carry |8 |16 | |d. its available everywhere |11 |22 | |Total |50 |100 |

    According to the frequency table, 26% respondents prefer tissue paper to handkerchief because its cleaner, 36% respondents prefer because its easier to use, 16% respondents prefer because its handy to carry and 22% respondents prefer because its available everywhere. Thus, the majority of the respondents think its easier to use. Q8. I do use tissue paper because: | |Frequency |Percent | | a. I can afford it |6 |12 | |b. it is trendy |2 |4 | |c. t is available at my house |14 |28 | |d. it has multiple utilities |28 |56 | |Total |50 |100 | According to the frequency table, 12% respondents do use tissue paper because they can afford it, 4% respondents think it is trendy, 28% respondents think it is available at their house and 56% respondents think it has multiple utilities. Thus, the majority of the respondents think it has multiple utilities. Evaluation Criteria

    Individuals were asked to select five situations and the brands they prefer and rank it according to importance from 1 to 5 for the next two questions (Q9 & Q10). For evaluative criterion, we gave a number of options from where respondents were asked to rank his or her most preferred 5 criteria in order. For our convenience, we assigned points to the ranking order in the following manner. 1st criterion chosen by a respondent = 5 points 2nd criterion chosen by a respondent = 4 points 3rd criterion chosen by a respondent = 3 points 4th criterion chosen by a respondent = 2 points th criterion chosen by a respondent = 1 point After summation of these points for each separate criterion, the following result can be concluded. Q9. I use tissue paper in situation when: | |Total Points | |a. I have caught cold |131 | |b. specially in summer when I sweat |149 | |c. After having meal in restaurant |147 | |d.

    I am in toilet |171 | |e. during facial |99 | According to the frequency table, majority of the respondents use tissue paper when they are in toilet and then when they sweat and after having meal in the restaurants respectively. Q10. My preferred brand is: | |Total Points | |a. Fay |180 | |b.

    Bashundhara |197 | |c. Rose |102 | |d. others |78 | |e. no specific brand |85 | According to the frequency table, majority of the respondents use Bashundhara tissue securing a total point of 197, then Fay securing a total point of 180 and Rose securing a total point of 102 respectively.

    Almost the half of the respondents do not have any specific brands. Q11. I look for: | |Frequency |Percent | |a. both fragrant & coloured tissue |16 |32 | |b. fragrant but white tissue |16 |32 | |c. non-fragrant but white tissue |16 |32 | |d. on-fragrant but colored tissue |2 |4 | |Total |50 |100 | According to the frequency table, 32% respondents look for both fragrant & coloured tissue, 32% respondents look for fragrant but white tissue, 32% respondents look for non-fragrant but white tissue and 4% respondents look for non-fragrant but colored tissue. Thus, the majority of the respondents look for both fragrant & coloured tissue, fragrant but white tissue & non-fragrant but white tissue.

    Q12. Please choose any of the following: | |Frequency |Percent | |a. I am a brand loyal and do not switch even if price increases|5 |10 | |b. I love to try new brands if I perceive higher quality in |17 |34 | |lower price | | | |c.

    I use low- priced brands |1 |2 | |d I am not brand specific and buy any brand depending on |27 |54 | |availability | | | |Total |50 |100 |

    According to the frequency table, 10% respondents are brand loyal and do not switch even if price increases, 34% respondents try new brands if they perceive higher quality in lower price, 2% respondents use low- priced brands and 54% respondents are not brand specific and buy any brand depending on availability. Thus, majority of the respondents are not brand specific and buy any brand depending on availability. Q13. I prefer: |Frequency |Percent | | a. box tissue |23 |46 | | b. mini pack tissue |15 |30 | | c. large pack tissue |4 |8 | | d. napkin tissue |8 |16 | |Total |50 |100 |

    According to the frequency table, 46% respondents use box tissue, 30% respondents use mini pack tissue, 8% respondents use large pack tissue and 16% respondents use napkin tissue. Thus, majority of the respondents use box tissue. Likert Scale Individuals were asked to express their opinion on a state to the level of “agreement” or ‘disagreement” that describe the attitude object under investigation. The scale consists of an equal number of agreement/disagreement choices on either side of a neutral choice. |No of persons |No of persons |No of persons |No of persons |No of persons | | |Strongly |Agreed |remain |Disagree |Strongly | | |Agreed | |Neutral | |Disagreed | |14.

    Everyone should use tissue paper for the purpose of |18 |27 |5 |None |None | |cleanliness | | | | | | |15. Since I am an user of tissue paper, I do encourage |11 |15 |15 |6 |3 | |others to use tissue paper. | | | | | | |16. I feel onfident when I carry tissue paper in my pocket |13 |13 |18 |6 |None | |or in bag. | | | | | | |17. Married couple uses tissue paper more than single. |10 |14 |20 |4 |2 | |18. Some people decorate tissue paper box in their house |7 |20 |7 |8 |8 | |rather using it. | | | | | | |19.

    I can remember any Advertise of the brand of tissue I |9 |13 |4 |22 |2 | |use. | | | | | | According to the frequency table, majority of the respondents agreed/strongly agreed that: • Everyone should use tissue paper for the purpose of cleanliness • They encourage others to use tissue paper • They feel confident when they carry tissue paper in pocket or in bag • Some people decorate tissue paper box in their house rather using it

    But majority of the respondents disagreed on that they can remember any Advertise of the brand of tissue they use. USE-SITUATION IMPLICATIONS 1. because it helps them to keep clean 2. because it is biodegradable 3. when their hands become oily 4. during cold and toilet 5. in the restaurant CONCLUSION APPENDIX Questionnaire We are conducting this survey to learn the demographic profile of the tissue paper users. There is no right or wrong answer. We only want your honest opinions. Please answer all questions. All information will be treated as confidential. Please tick the option that best suits your answer:

    Gender: Male/Female Age: 1. I am a: a. Businessman/ Service Holder b. House wife c. Under graduate (university/college) d. Some high school/ High school graduate 2. My monthly family income is: a. less than TK. 15,000 b. TK. 15,000-TK. 25,000 c. TK. 25,000- TK. 50,000 d. above TK. 50,000 3. I am a: a. heavy user of tissue paper b. light user of tissue paper c. moderate user of tissue paper d. occasional user of tissue paper 4. My monthly expense of tissue paper is: a. less than Tk. 50 b. TK. 50 – TK. 100 c. TK. 100 – TK. 200 d. More than TK. 200 . I do use: a. toilet tissue only b. facial tissue only c. both toilet and facial tissue d. other forms of it like wet tissue or towel tissue 6. I use tissue paper at: a. my home and office or university b. only at home c. only at office d. any time & anywhere I need 7. I prefer tissue paper to handkerchief because: a. its cleaner b. its easier to use c. its handy to carry d. its available everywhere 8. I do use tissue paper because: a. I can afford it b. it is trendy c. it is available at my house d. it has multiple utilities We would like to find out about your preference regarding uses of tissue paper.

    Please rank the following by placing “1” next to the situation that you prefer most, “2” next to your second preference and so on: (For Q. 9 & Q. 10) 9. I use tissue paper in situation when: a. I have caught cold_____ b. specially in summer when I sweat_____ c. After having meal in restaurant_____ d. I am in toilet_____ e. during facial _____ 10. My preferred brand is: a. Fay _____ b. Bashundhara _____ c. Rose _____ d. thers _____ e. no specific brand _____ 11. I look for: a. both fragrant & coloured tissue b. fragrant but white tissue c. non-fragrant but white tissue d. non-fragrant but colored tissue 12. Please chose any of the following: a. I am a brand loyal and do not switch even if price increases b. I love to try new brands if I perceive higher quality in lower price c. I use low- priced brands d I am not brand specific and buy any brand depending on availability 13. I prefer a. box tissue b. mini pack tissue c. arge pack tissue d. napkin tissue For each of the following questions, please put a “v” mark in the respective box that best describes the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement. | |Strongly |Agree |Neutral |Disagree |Strongly | | |Agree | | | |Disagree | |14. Everyone should use tissue paper for the purpose of cleanliness | | | | | | 15. Since I am an user of tissue paper, I do encourage others to use| | | | | | |tissue paper. | | | | | | |16. I feel confident when I carry tissue paper in my pocket or in | | | | | | |bag. | | | | | | |17. Married couple uses tissue paper more than single. | | | | | | |18.

    Some people decorate tissue paper box in their house rather | | | | | | |using it. | | | | | | |29. I can remember any Advertise of the brand of tissue I use. | | | | | | 20. Please complete the following: I use tissue paper because/when _______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____ Thank you for your cooperation.

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    Survey on Tissue Paper User Essay. (2018, Oct 21). Retrieved from

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