Monosaccharides are most basic units of carbonhydrates.They are the simplest signifier of the sugar. Glucose, brain sugar, fructose and ribose are illustration for the monosaccharoses. Disaccharide is form when two monosaccharoses combined. Lactose and saccharose are illustration for the disaccharides.
Plants store glucose as the polyose amylum. Starch can be separated into two fractions — amylose and amylopectin. Natural starches are mixtures of amylose ( 10-20 % ) and amylopectin ( 80-90 % ) . Amylose is a additive compound which is soluble in H2O. Aslo linked by ? ( 1,4 ) glicosidic bond. Amylopectin is branched compound which is non soluble in H2O. Besides linked by ? ( 1,6 ) glicosidic bond. ( 1 )
Figure 1: Starch
Figure 2: Starch-iodine composite
Amylase is an enzyme which nowadays in human sage. It breaks starch down into sugar. All
amylases are glycoside hydrolases and act on ?-1,4-glycosidic bonds. It will get down to denature at
around 60C.
Spectrophotometer measures the transmittal or soaking up of liquids or solids as a map of
wavelength. Spectrophotometer is used for 2 different intent:
To find the soaking up spectrum of a pure substance in solution
To find the concentration of a solution
Figure 3: Single beam spectrophotometer
% T = ( I / I O ) . 100 ABS = log 10 ( 100/ % T )
Test tubing
Pasteur pipettes
Beaker 250 milliliter
Test tubing rack
Plastic cuvettes
Weighing dish
Human salivary enzyme
Starch solution 20 g/L
HCl halting solution, 0.1N HCl
Iodine reagent stock solution ( in aqueous solution )
Iodine: 5 g/l
KI: 50 g/l
Dilute to 1:100
Potassium phosphate buffers
Preparation of 20 g/l starch solution:
20g of soluble murphy amylum was assorted in approx. 50 milliliter of cold H2O.
The slurry was added to aprox. 900 milliliter of gently boiling H2O in a big beaker while stirring.
The gelatinized amylum solution was assorted good and cooled to room temperature.
More H2O was added to convey the entire volume to 1 litre.
Few beads of the amylum solution was put on a glass home base. 1 bead of the iodine reagent was added and the deep blue colour was seen.
Preparation of Enzyme solution:
1 milliliter of sage was diluted with 9 mL H2O. 60 milliliter of 0.5 % NaCl solution was added.
Consequence of the pH:
0.1 M pH buffer solutions was prepared ranging from pH=4.5 to pH=9 in increases of one pH unit.
An equal volume of one of the above buffer solutions were added to 5.0mL of the 20 g/l amylum solution prepared in measure 1.The ensuing solution was contained 10g/l of amylum in a buffered environment.
The enzymatic digestion procedure was started by adding 1 milliliter of human salivary enzyme solution ; shaked and assorted.
The hydrolysis reaction was proceeded for precisely 10 proceedingss at 25oC.
0.5 milliliter of the reacted amylum solution was added to 5 milliliter of the HCl halting solution. ( 0.1 N )
0.5 milliliter of the above mixture was added to 5 milliliters iodine solution to develop color.Shaked and assorted.
The optical density was measured with a spectrophotometer at 620 nm.Buffer was used as a space.
Consequence of Temperature:
The temperatures of the impermanent H2O baths in 250 milliliter beakers was prepared and adjusted the temperatures runing from 30oC to 90oC in increases for 20oC.
The amylum substrate was prepared by thining the 20g/l amylum solution prepared in measure 1 with an equal volume of pH=7.0 phosphate buffer solution.This consequences in a on the job amylum concentration of 10 g/l. 5 milliliter of the amylum solution was added to each of trial tubings.
The temperature of each of the amylum solutions was allowed to come to equilibrium with that of the H2O bath.
1 milliliter of human salivary enzyme solution was added to each of the thermostated trial tubings to get down the reaction.The raction was stopped after precisely 10 proceedingss and the amylum content was analizied by following the processs outlined in measure 3.
Datas tabular arraies:
Table 5.1: Consequence of pH:
Optical density
Table 5.2: Consequence of temperature:
Optical density
Absorbance / temperature
Absorbance / pH
In this experiment the intent was to hydrolyse amylum with amylase enzyme and detect the consequence of pH and temperature on this reaction.First we prepared the amylum solution, added 1 bead of the iodine reagent and saw that a deep blu colour was developed. After that we prepared the enzyme solution which sage was used.Then we looked to the consequence of pH and consequence of temperature. In consequence of temperature buffer solutions were prepared which runing from pH 4.5 to pH 9. We used two different solutions because of the diffence buffering capacity of these two solutions. We used HCl and NaOH for pH. We used HCl to diminish pH and we used NaOH to increase pH besides, we detected the pH by utilizing pH metre. Each buffer with different pH values were assorted with starch solution and so salivary solution was added. Then we added iodine solution to observe whether reaction took topographic point or non. Since if enzyme maps starch in the solution will be hydrolyzed and this will take to hold light colour of the solution ; optical density will be low. Since our organic structure is in impersonal pH we expect to hold light colored solution at pH 7 and dark colour at pH 5, 8 and 9. The enzyme wo n’t work in higher temperature values that can denature it like 90, 70 and possibly 50. Protein ‘s optical density values are expected to increase as the protein denaturizes. This can be explained by the surface of contemplation of the visible radiation is increased. Denaturized signifier of protein has higher possibility to be interacted with the visible radiation from the spectrophotometer and therefore optical density will increase.