Homework is the work which we have to do at our home. We have to do this because of keep remembering in our mind that what we had studied at our school. With this our practice will continue on the topic we have learned and it will save in our mind forever and we can describe the topic anywhere clearly.
A lesson plan should include sufficient time to learn, absorb, rehearse, and integrate the lesson into memory. It should not intrude into the rest of the child’s life, which should be occupied in learning other valuable life lessons.
Assigning massive amounts of homework indicates massive incompetence, laziness, and failure which may lead to students failing. This concurs with the saying that states work without play makes jack a dull boy.
It should be there to make them recap whatever they have learned. Doing that greatly improves learning. This stands to be one among the many reasons it should not be banned, but only to the extent that it doesn’t start stressing them out.
The evidence so far seems to suggest that homework for primary school children is certainly an activity that should be considered .This is as a result of the benefits it has. However, it will have no positive impact if it is given in large amounts forcing students to spend all their time in the books. It should be given in consideration with the grade. Lower grade students should have very little amount as compared to the higher grades .It should however not take more than 2 hours in completing it.
Through the process of tackling it, you are naturally forced to apply whatever concepts you have been taught during which you encounter difficulties, attempt to resolve those difficulties, and finally gain a better understanding of the topic.
It is given to help children consolidate the concepts that they have learnt and practice the skills they have newly gained. Once it’s beneficial to revise after 24 hours/48 hours.
However, it is painful especially for elementary school and middle school, but it is necessary to figure out what you do and don’t like or at least what you’re good at. A lot of the time people will succeed because of the stymies in the discoveries. But you’ve got to learn early on that being curious enough to punch through that is worth the result. Homework helps you ascertain that, whether you like it or not. Just like anything else, if it isn’t for you, you’ll figure another way out or fail out.
Homework is the opportunity for a student to practice a concept, and to prove to the students that they mastered the skill. It is NOT a punishment, and it is NOT for the teacher.
Home assignments are designed by subject teachers to give students opportunity to interact with the topics in detail. The tasks are not allotted to put additional burden but to make children reflect on what they have learned. Schools today are following a more progressive system of education which focuses on a hands-on approach to learning rather than rote learning. In fact, schools are increasingly discouraging home tuition as children are unnecessarily pressurised. Hence, teachers are introducing innovative and interesting tasks to be done at home that would ensure revisiting of the concepts as well as a direct experience of what they are learning. Students are much more excited about such projects and perform them with great enthusiasm. The pressure is felt when students try to juggle too many activities outside of school hours. It’s important students and parents have an open conversation and identify how much free-time is available on a daily basis to structure a balanced schedule that maximizes learning and well being.