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    Rudyard Kipling (1865 – 1936) Biography Essay

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    Rudyard Kiplings life, style, and writing are very interesting, and itll be remembered for a long period of time, much longer into the 20th century. On December 30, 1865, Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born. Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay, India. Rudyard Kiplings biological parents are John Lockwood Kipling and Alice Macdonald.

    As a child in India, he was quite happy. Kipling was very interested in Indian life (Twentieth Century British, 1537). It wasnt until at age six when he was sent to South Sea, England, where he felt insomnia, delusional, and was not happy. Kipling suffered greatly from being away from his parents and under strict foster parents. He would later have nightmares about the five unhappy years staying at South Sea (Twentieth Century British, 1537).

    In school, Kipling didnt excel in studies but was a good swimmer. Kipling was tormented, humiliated, and made fun which was probably the reason why Kipling didnt excel in studies. In 1878, at age twelve Kipling went off to school at United Services College at Westward Ho!, North Devon. The college was not too expensive and was a very new, secondary school for Anglo-Indians. This boarding school is where Kipling got his first chances at writing. He wrote and edited in the school newspaper.

    At United Services College, the seventeenth-century allegorist, John Bunyan, reviewed Kipling as a great student with potential. After school, Kipling moved to India, his homeland, where he became a journalist in 1882. In India he made his impact on the literary scene. He spent seven years as a journalist for the Anglo-Indian Newspaper, Civil and Military Gazette. He wrote columns and ballads for the Civil and Military Gazette. He studied the and observed Indian life while in India.

    After moving to back to England in 1889, Kipling later wrote Barrack-Room Ballads his reputation increased immediately. In England, Kipling married Caroline Balstier. After marrying, the Kiplings moved to Carolines property in Battleboro, Vermont, in 1892. In America, Kipling was paid five hundred dollars for a single poem and one hundred dollars per thousand words for Kipling’s prose from the Publisher, Scribner (Contemporary Authors, 217). In the middle of his stay at Vermont Kipling earned twenty-five thousands dollars for his work in 1894 (Contemporary Authors, 217).

    Kipling wrote The Jungle Book and the sequel while in Vermont. The Kiplings attitudes were disliked by their neigbors. They were unwilling to adjust to American ways of living everyday life. They ended there stay in Vermont when Rudyard Kipling had a fight with his brother-in-law.

    They moved back to England in 1896. Kipling bought his permanent home in Burrwash , Sussex, in 1902. His Burrwash home would be his home until his death in 1936. He had by then gained a large crowd of people who appreciated his works and many fans. His works were collected in a published edition, and Kipling was still young and later would he would later write more stories that would be collected.

    When Kipling moved back to England he was only 37, so more stories and novel were to come in which Sussex would be the background. In Sussex, he wrote Puck of Pooks Hill (1906) and Rewards and Fairies (1910). In 1936, Kiplings poor health was reported throughout the whole world foreshadowing his death. Kipling died from a fatal hemorrhage two days after King George. His ashes were buried in poets Corner in West Minister Abbey.

    Many people believe Kiplings style died with him (Contemporary Authors, 217). Modern Literature gained its reputation, while Kiplings content and style went out of fashion (Contemporary Authors, 217). Kipling wrote 19th century in his short stories, novels, and poems. He used little symbolism. Kipling wrote adventure and with a didactic mind, which showed in his works (Contemporary Authors, 220). The survival of the fittest was in Kiplings vision of imperialism and British Life, and in his eyes, the love of animals was the law of the jungle (A Critical History of English Literature,1091).

    He mostly wrote on a defensive side. The skill of putting together a story was often excellently done and noticed; using his past experience of being a journalist and sense of shape (A Critical History of English Literature, 1091). Kipling believed there should be no progress in his plots (Twentieth-Century British Literature, 1539). His plots often showed an interest in engineering of weapons. He illustrated a philosophical and ethical dilemma (Contemporary Authors, 220).

    His works were written under the time of British rule and empire. He used the highs and lows of British soldier life. He often made a soldier, who has little knowledge, as a ruler of an empire. He used many British characters in his stories. He usually wrote with hysteria or without much thinking, which created some faults in his stories, but also it produced virtues. This made him more equiped with civilization and better storyteller (A Critical History of English Literature,1092).

    In The Jungle Book, Kipling used talking animals to teach morals, and animals having prototypes of people in childrens everyday life as the prime power of making an impact for children books (Twentieth Century British,1539). Kipling was awarded the Nobel prize in 1907. He was the first British writer to receive it and he declined honors such as knighthood and Order of Merit. Kipling was reviewed and liked by most powerful men: Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson (Contemporary Authors, 217).

    Kipling collected 250 stories and sold 15 million volumes. He published five novels and wrote 500+ poems. He wrote many books about history and speeches. He later wrote an autobiography. Rudyard Kipling was overall an outstanding figure in the 19th centrury. Even though his style has dropped out of modern literature his stories and novels are still heard today.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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